The MN+1AXN phases: A new class of solids
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T. El-Raghy, M. W. Barsoum and M. Sika, “Reaction of Al with Ti3SiC2 in the 800–1000 °C Temperature range”, Mater Sci. Eng. A, in press.
M. W. Barsoum, H.-I. Yoo, I. K. Polushina, V. Yu. Rud', Yu. V. Rud' and T. El-Raghy, “Electrical Conductivity, Thermopower and Hall Effect of Ti3AlC2, Ti4AlN3 and Ti3SiC2”, Phys. Rev. B, in press.
M. W. Barsoum, T. El-Raghy, W. D. Porter, H. Wang, J. C. Ho and S. Chakraborty, “Thermal Properties of Nb2SnC”, J. Appl. Phys., in press.
M. W. Barsoum, T. El-Raghy, C. Rawn, W. D. Porter and H. Wang, “Electrical and Thermal Properties of Ti2AlC”, Submitted for publication.
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M. Radovic, M. W. Barsoum, T. El-Raghy and S. Wiederhorn, “Tensile Creep of Fine-Grained Ti3SiC2 in the 25–1200 °C Temperature Range”, Submitted for publication.
M. Radovic, M. W. Barsoum, T. El-Raghy and S. Wiederhorn, “Tensile Properties of” “Coarse-Grained Ti3SiC2 in the 25–1200 °C Temperature Range”, Submitted for publication.
M. W. Barsoum, “Oxidation of Tin+1AlXn where n = 1–3 and X is C, N, Part I: Model”, Submitted for publication.
M. W. Barsoum, M. Ali and T. El-Raghy, “Oxidation of TiN+1AlXN where n = 1–3 and X” “is C, N, Part II: Oxidation of Ti2AlC, Ti2AlN and Ti2AlC0.5N0.5”, Submitted for publication.
N. Tzenov, A. Procopio, T. El-Raghy and M. W. Barsoum, “Oxidation of TiN+1AlXN” “where n = 1–3 and X is C, N, Part III: Oxidation of Ti3AlC2 and Ti4AlC3”. Submitted for publication.
M. Amer, T. El-Raghy, M. W. Barsoum, “Raman Spectra of Ti2AlN and Ti4AlN3”, Unpublished results.
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M. W. Barsoum, T. El-Raghy, D. Brodkin, A. Zavaliangos and S. Kalidindi, “Synthesis of 312 Compounds and Composites Thereof”, Patent # 5,942,455.
M. W. Barsoum and T. El-Raghy, “Surface Modification of 312 and Related Materials”, Patent #6,013,322.
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