The Interplay between Habitus, Social Variables and Occupational Preferences

Gudbjörg vilhjálmsdóttir1, Gudmundur arnkelsson1
1Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland

Tóm tắt

European researchers have recently introduced Bourdieu’s habitus theory and research methods into the research field of career development. The advantage of Bourdieu’s theory is to overcome the theoretical problems that in this field have resulted from overemphasis on individual aspects of career development at the expense of social aspects. The habitus concept allows for the dichotomy between the individual and the social dimensions to be overcome. The research reported here looks at the interplay between habitus, social variables and career preferences but in a younger age group than has previously been studied. It also wonders whether habitus groups exist in the relatively homogenous population of Iceland at a relatively young age, i.e., before divergence in the educational system. Analyses resulted in five habitus groups being formed on the basis of endorsement of cultural and leisure activities. Furthermore, the five groups differed both in terms of sex composition and — importantly — of preferred future occupations. It was concluded that habitus groups form readily and have important implications for research and practice within the field of career counselling.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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