The Insulin-Specific T Cells of Nonobese Diabetic Mice Recognize a Weak MHC-Binding Segment in More Than One Form

Journal of Immunology - Tập 178 Số 10 - Trang 6051-6057 - 2007
Matteo Levisetti1,2, Anish Suri2, Shirley J. Petzold2, Emil R. Unanue2
1Department of Medicine and
2Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO 63110

Tóm tắt

AbstractSeveral naturally occurring anti-insulin CD4 T cells were isolated from islet infiltrates of NOD mice. In accordance with the results of others, these T cells recognized the segment of the β-chain from residues 9–23. Peptides encompassing the B:(9–23) sequence bound weakly to I-Ag7 in two main contiguous registers in which two residues at the carboxyl end, P20Gly and P21Glu, influenced binding and T cell reactivity. Naturally occurring insulin-reactive T cells exhibited differing reactivities with the carboxyl-terminal amino acids, although various single residue changes in either the flanks or the core segments affected T cell responses. The insulin peptides represent another example of a weak MHC-binding ligand that is highly immunogenic, giving rise to distinct populations of autoimmune T cells.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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