The Impact of Innovation Systems on E-commerce Capacity

Journal of the Knowledge Economy - Tập 13 - Trang 276-289 - 2021
Sotirios Zygiaris1
1Chair of Business Administration Department, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University – PMU, Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Tóm tắt

For improved and sustained growth, world economies are now moving towards innovation systems. However, the impact of these innovation systems on economies within the economic paradigm is still unknown. This study aims to investigate how innovation systems in various economies influence E-commerce capacity. However, various policymakers plan to design and implement policies that meet the changing dynamics of innovation systems. However, the fact that these policies have an impact on E-commerce is mostly not taken into consideration. This study further aims to understand whether policymakers should consider the enabling side effects and the impact assessment derived from innovation systems when they design E-commerce policies? By utilizing quantitative analysis, the study evaluates the innovation enabling factors for E-commerce advancement. The innovation system factors, institutions, human capital, infrastructure, market sophistication, knowledge, and creative outputs construct the set of independent variables that evaluated against the dependent variable that is E-commerce capacity. Through structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis of the Global Innovation Index data, the study concludes that human capital and market sophistication are significant enabling factors to E-commerce when innovation system policies are applied. In addition, infrastructure and information communication technology are essential factors in advancing E-commerce capacity. This work recommends that policymakers should assess the impact of existing innovation policies related to human capital, empowerment, and market sophistication on E-commerce capacity.

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