The Fe-Ni (iron-nickel) system
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F. Osmond, “On the Alloys of Iron and Nickel,”Compt. Rend., 128,304–307 (1899) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
W. Guertler and G. Tammann, “On the Alloys of Nickel and Cobalt with Iron,”Z. Anorg. Chem., 45,205–216 (1905) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
F. Hegg, “Thermomagnetic Study of Ferro-nickels”.Arch. Sci Phys. Nat. Geneve, 30,15–45 (1910) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental;*)
R. Ruerand E. Schuz,“TheIron-NickelSystem,”Metallurgie,7, 415–470 (1910) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
D. Hanson and H.E. Hanson, “The Constitution of the Nickel-Iron Alloys,”J. Iron SteelInst, 102,39–64 (1920). (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases; Experimental)
M.R. Andrews, “X-ray Analysis of Three Series of Alloys,”Phys. Rev., 18,245–254 (1921). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
P.D. Merica, “Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Chem. Met. Eng., 24,375–378 (1921). (Equi Diagram; Theory; *)
F. Kirchner, “Structure Determination with X-rays,”Ann. Phys., 69,59–81 (1922) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
E.C. Bain, “The Crystal Structures of Solid Solutions,”Trans. AIME, 68,625–641 (1923). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
D. Hanson and J.R. Freeman, “The Constitution of the Alloys ofIronandNickel,”J.Iron Steel Inst.,107,301–321 (1923). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
LW. McKeehan, “The Crystal Structure of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Phys. Rev.,21,402–407 (1923). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
T. Kase, “On the Equilibrium Diagram of the Iron-Carbon-Nickel System,”Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., 14,173–217 (1925). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
M. Peschard, “Contribution to the Study of Ferro-nickels,”Rev. Métall.,22,430–676 (1925) in French. (MetaPhases, Magnetism; Experimental)
R. Vogel, “On the Structure of Iron-Nickel Meteorites,”Z. Anorg. Chem, 142,193–228 (1925) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental;#)
M. Kawakami, “On the Specific Heat of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”ScL Rep. Tohokulmp. Univ., 15,251–262(1926). (EquiDiagram;Experimental)
A. Osawa, “The Relation Between Space-Lattice Constant and Density of ton-Nickel Alloys,”Sci. Rep. Tohokulmp. Univ.,15,387–398 (1926). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
A. Osawa, “On the Relation Between the Lattice Constant and the Density of ton-Nickel Alloys,”J. Iron Steel Inst., 113,447–456 (1926). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
K. Honda and S. Miura, “On the Determination of the Heterogeneous Field in the System Fe-Ni,”Sci. Rep. Tohuku Imp. Univ., 16,745–753 (1927). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
A.O. Jung, “The Structure and Lattice Constants of Artificial and Natural Iron Alloys,”Z. Krist., 65,309–334 (1927) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
R. Vogel, “On the Structure of Iron Meteorites,”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes., 1,605–611 (1927) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
R. Vogel, “On the Structure of Iron-Nickel Meteorites,”Z. Anorg. Chem., 142,193–228 (1928) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental;*)
G. Gossels, “Investigation of the Hysteresis Stability of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Z. Anorg. Chem., 182, 19–27 (1929) in German. (Meta Phases, Magnetism; Experimental)
O.L. Roberts and W.P. Davey, “An X-ray Study of the A3 Point of Iron and Some Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Met Alloys, 1,648–654 (1930). (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases; Experimental)
H. Bennedek and P. Schafrneister, “The Area of the Delta-Gamma Transformation in the Iron-Nickel System,”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes., 5,123–125 (1931) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
G. Phragmen, “X-ray Investigation of Certain Nickel Steels of Low Thermal Expansion,”J. Iron Steel Inst., 123,465–477 (1931). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
O. Dahl, “On the Question of Supercooled Transformations of State inlron-Nickel Alloys (The High Permeability of Air Cooled Permalloy),”Z. Metallkd, 24, 107–111 (1932) in German. (Equi Diagram, Magnetism; Experimental)
E. Scheil, “On the Origin of the Transformation of Austenite into Martensite in the Vicinity of Room Temperature,”Z. Elektrochem., 38,554–557 (1932) in German. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
O. Dahl and J. Pfaffenberger, “A Contribution on Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Z. Metallkd.,25,241–245 (1933) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
V. Dehlinger, “Kinetics and Phase Diagram of the Irreversible Transformation in the Iron-Nickel System,”Z. Metallkd, 5,112–116 (1934) in German. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
E. Scheil, “The Irreversibility of Iron-Nickel Alloys and their Equilibrium Diagram,”Arch. Eisenhütte nwes.,9, 163–166 (1935). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
O. Dahl, “Cold Working and Relaxation in Alloys with Ordered Atomic Distributions,”Z. Metallkd, 28,133–138 (1936) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
E. Jette and F. Foote, “X-ray Study of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Trans. AIME, 120,259–276(1936). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
H.O. von Samonson-Himnelstjerna, “The Heat Content and Heat of Formation of Melted Alloys,”Z. Metallkd., 28, 197–202 (1936) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
P. D. Merica, “Constitution of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Metals Handbook, American Society for Metals, Cleveland, OH, 271–273 (1936). (Meta Phases; Review; #)
A.J. Bradley, A.H. Jay, and A. Taylor, “The Lattice Spacing of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Philos. Mag.,23,545–547 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
C.H.M. Jenkins, E.H. Bucknall, C.R. Austin, and G.A. Mellor, “Some Alloys for Use at High Temperatures,”J. Iron Steel Inst.,136, 187–222 (1937). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
O. Kallback, “Determination of the Order-Disorder Point in FeNi3,”Ark. Mat Astron. Fys.,34B, 17–21 (1947). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
F. Koerber, W. Oelsen, and H. Lichtenberg, “On the Thermochemistry of Alloys II. Direct Determination of the Heats of Formation of the Ternary Alloys Fe-Ni-Al, Fe-Co-Al, Cu-Ni-Al, Fe-Al-Si, and a Portion ofthe Cu-Mn-Al System,”Mitt. Kaiser Wlhelmlnst Eisenforsch.,19, 131–159 (1937) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
E. A. Owen and E.L. Yates, “X-ray Investigation of Pure Iron-Nickel Alloys. Part I: Thermal Expansion of Alloys Rich in Nickel,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),49, 17–28 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
E. A. Owen and E.L. Yates, “X-ray Investigation of Pure Iron-Nickel Alloys. Part 2: Thermal Expansion of Some Further Alloys,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),49,178–188 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
E.A. Owen and E.L. Yates, “An X-ray Investigation of Pure ton-Nickel Alloys. Part 3: The Thermal Expansion of Alloys Rich in Iron,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),49, 307–314 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
EA. Owen,E.L. Yates, and A.H. Sully, “An X-ray Investigation of Pure Iron-Nickel Alloys. Part 4: The Variation of Lattice Parameter with Composition,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),49,315–322 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
EA. Owen, E.L. Yates, and A.H. Sully, “An X-ray Investigation of Pure Iron-Nickel Alloys. Part 5: The Variation of Thermal Expansion with Composition,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),49,323–325 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
F.E. Haworth, “An X-ray Test of Superstructure in FeNi3,”Phys. Rev.,54,693–698 (1938). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
S. Kaya, “The Superlattice in Iron-Nickel Alloys and the Permalloy Problem,”J. Fac. Sci Hokkaido Imp. Univ.,2,29–53 (1938). (Magnetism; Experimental)
J.S. March,The Alloys of Iron and Nickel, McGraw Hill, New York, 24–55 (1938). (Equi Diagram; Review; #)
F.E. Haworth, “Superstructure in FeNi3,”Phys. Rev.,56,289–231 (1939). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
S. Kaya and M. Nakayama, “The Superstructure in Iron-Nickel-Cobalt Alloys and the Perminvar Problem,”Z. Phys.,112,420–429 (1939) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
A. Kussmann, “Evidence for a Superstructure Phase in the ton-Nickel System,”Z. Metallkd.,31,212–214 (1939) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
P. Leech and C. Sykes, “The Evidence for A Superlattice in the Nickel-ton Alloy Ni3Fe,”Philos. Mag.,27, 742–753 (1939). (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)
E.A. Owen and A.H. Sully, “The Equilibrium Diagram of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Philos. Mag.,27, 614–636 (1939). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
W. Sucksmith, “The Measurement of Magnetic Saturation Intensities at Different Temperatures,”Proc. R. Soc. (London),170,551–557 (1939). (Magnetism; Experimental)
E.M. Grabbe, “Ferromagnetic Anisotropy, Magnetization at Saturation, and Superstructure in Ni3Fe and Nearby Compositions,”Phys. Rev.,57,728–734 (1940). (Magnetism; Experimental)
W.H. Keesom and B. Kurrelmeyer, “Specific Heats of Alloys of Nickel with Copper and with Iron from 1.2° to 20°K,”Physica, 7, 1003–1024 (1940). (Thermo; Experimental)
EC Nix, H.G. Beyer, and R. Dunning, “Neutron Studies of Order in Fe-Ni Alloys,”Phys. Rev).,58,1031–1034 (1940). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
A.T. Pickles and W. Sucksmith, “A Magnetic Study of the Two-Phase Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Proc. R. Soc. (London) A, 175,331–334 (1940). (Equi Diagram, Magnetism; Experimental)
A. J. Zuithoff, “The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at High Temperature XII. The Specific Heats of Iron-Nickel Alloys of Various Compositions Between 100° and 1400 °C,”Rec. Trav. Chim).,59,131–160 (1940). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
E. A. Owen and A.H. Sully, “On the Migration of Atoms in Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Philos. Mag).,31, 314–338 (1941). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)
K. Hoselitz and W. Sucksmith, “A Magnetic Study of the Two-Phase Iron-Nickel Alloys, II,”Proc. R. Soc. (London), 1,30 (1943). (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases, Magnetism; Experimental)
W. Oelsen and F. Wever, “On the Influence of Elements on the Polymorphism of Iron,Arch. Eisenhüttenwes).,19,97–104 (1947) in German. (Meta Phases; Theory)
J.C. Fisher, J.H. Hollomon, and D. Turnbull, “Nucleation,”J. Appl. Phys).,19,775–784(1948). (MetaPhases; Theory)
O. Kallback, “Determination of the Order-Disorder Point in FeNi3,”Ark. Mat. Astron. Fys).,345(17), 1–6 (1948). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
H. Hahn and H. Muhlberg, “The System Iron/Nickel/Nitrogen,”Z Anorg. Chem).,259,121–134 (1949) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
F.N. Jones and W.I. Pumphrey, “Free Energy and Metastable States in the Iron-Nickel and Iron-Manganese Systems,”J. Iron Steel Inst, 163,121–131 (1949). (Equi Diagram, MetaPhases; Experimental)
O. Kubaschewski and O. von Goldbeck, “The Thermodynamics of the Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Trans. Faraday Soc).,45, 948–960 (1949). (Thermo; Experimental)
EA. Owen and Y.H. Liu, “Further X-Ray Study of the Equilibrium Diagram of the Iron-Nickel System,”J. Iron Steel Inst).,123, 132–136 (1949). (EquiDiagram; Experimental; #)
E. Josso, “Equilibrium Diagram for the Order to Disorder Transformation of Iron-Nickels near Ni3Fe,”Compt. Rend,230, 1467–1469 (1950). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
E.S. Machlin and M. Cohen, “Burst Phenomenon in the Martensitic Transformation,”Trans. AIME, 191, 746–754 (1951). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
R. Smoluchowski, “Statistical Properties of Solid Solutions,”Phys. Rev).,84,511–518 (1951). (Meta Phases; Theory)
W. Sucksmith, “Magnetic Saturation Intensity and Some Related Measurements,”J. Phys. Radium, 12,430–436 (1951). (Magnetism; Experimental)
F. Hund, “Characterization of Nickel-Iron Alloy Powders at Low Temperature and Investigations of Lattice Changes,”Z Elektrochem.,56, 609–612 (1952) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
S. Iida, “Formation Energy of Superlattice for Ni3Fe, (I) Cooperative Formation of Superlattice at the Critical Temperatures,”J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,7,373–379 (1952). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
R.M. Bozorth and J.G. Walker, “Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy and Magnetostriction of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Phys. Rev.,89,624–628 (1953). (Magnetism; Experimental)
R.M. Bozorth, “The Permalloy Problem,”Rev. Mod. Phys.,25, 42–48 (1953). (Magnetism; Experimental)
A.H. Geisler, “Written Discussion of [53Rhi],”Trans. ASM,45, 1051–1054 (1953). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
R.A. Oriani, “Thermodynamic Activities in Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Acta Metall.,1,448–454 (1953). (Thermo; Experimental)
F.N. Rhines and J.B. Newkirk, “The Order-Disorder Transformation Viewed as a Classical Phase Change,”Trans. ASM, 45,1029–1046 (1953). (Equi Diagram; Theory)
R J. Wakelin and E.L. Yates, “A Study of the Order-Disorder Transformation in ton-Nickel Alloys in the Region FeNi3”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B, 66, 221–240 (1953). (Crys Structure, Magnetism; Experimental)
S. Iida, “Formation Energy of Superlattice in Ni3Fe (II) Kinetics of the Superlattice in the Stage of Local Ordering,”J Phys. Soc. Jpn.,9,346–354 (1954). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
F. Lihl, “Phase Boundaries in the Iron-Nickel System at Temperatures Below 300 °C,”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,25,475–478 (1954) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
M.R. Meyerson and S.J. Rosenberg, “The Influence of Heat Treating Variables on the Martensite Transformation in SAE 1050 Steel,”Trans. ASM,46,1225–1253 (1954). (MetaPhases; Experimental)
P. Royen and H. Reinhart, “The Influence of Alloying Iron with Gold, Silver, Copper, of Nickel on Iron Oxidation Equilibrium,”Z Anorg. Chem.,281,18–36 (1955) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
CG. Shull and M.K. Wilkinson, “Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Magnetic Structure of Alloys of Transition Elements,”Phys. Rev.,97,304–310(1955). (Magnetism; Experimental)
A.L. Sutton and W. Hume-Rothery, “The Lattice Spacings of Solid Solutions of Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Cobalt and Nickel in Alpha-Iron,”Philos. Mag.,46, 1295–1309 (1955). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
R.E. Cech, “Evidence for Solidification of a Metastable Phase in Fe-Ni Alloys,”Trans.AIME,206,585–589(1956). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
L. Kaufman and M. Cohen, “The Martensitic Transformation in the Iron-Nickel System,”Trans. AIME, 206, 1393–1401 (1956). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
Y. Tino, “Possible Existence of Fe3Ni,”Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ.,40,17–23 (1956). (MetaPhases; Experimental)
A. Hellawell and W. Hume-Rothery, “The Constitution of Alloys of Iron and Manganese with Transition Elements of the First Long Period,”Philos. Trans. R. Soc. (London) A, 249, 417–459 (1957). (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)
B.G. Lyashchenko, D.F. Iitvin, I.M. Puzei, and Yu.G. Abov, “Neutron Diffraction of Iron-Nickel-Alloys of the Permalloy Class,”Kristallografiya, 2,64–73 (1957) in Russian; TR:Sov. Phys. Crystal-logr., 2,59–67 (1957). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
L.M. Viting, “Investigation of the Iron-Nickel-Cobalt System in the Region of the Metallic Compounds Ni3Fe and FeCo,”Zh. Neorg. Khim.,2,367–374 (1957) in Russian;TR:J. Inorg. Chem.,2(2), 217–228 (1957). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
A. Kussmann and K. Jessen, “Investigation of Atomic Ordering in Iron-Nickel-(Platinum) Alloys with Low Thermal Expansion,”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,29, 585–594 (1958) in German. (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases; Experimental)
A.P. Lyubimov, V.Ya. Zobens, and V.P. Rakhovskii, “A Mass Spectrometric Determination of the Thermodynamic Characteristics of Binary Metallic Systems,”Zh. Fiz. Khim.,32,1804–1808 (1958) in Russian. (Thermo; Experimental)
B.Ya. Pines and LP. Grebennils, “A New Crystalline Phase in Thin Films of Fe-Ni Alloys,” Kristallografiya, 3t 461–466 (1958) in Russian; TR:Sov. Phys. Crystallogr.,3, 460–464 (1958). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
N.I. Ananthanarayanan and R.J. Peavler, “Room Temperature Decomposition of Austenite in Fifty Percent Nickel-Fifty Percent Iron Magnetic Alloy Tapes,”J. Appl. Phys.,30,202S-203S (1959). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
M.V. Dekhtyar and N.M. Kazantseva, “Structure Changes and Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Magnetic Properties of Ni-Fe Alloys (50 Percent Ni),”Fiz. Met Metalloved, 8, 412–416 (1959) in Russian; TR:Phys. Met Metallogr, 8,84-87 (1959). (Magnetism; Experimental)
F. Scheil and W. Normann, “Investigation of the Thermodynamics of the α ↔ γ Transformation in Iron-Nickel Alloys, ”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,30,751–754 (1959) in German. (Equi Diagram; Ex-perimental)
R. Speiser, A J. Jacobs, and J. W. Spertnak, “Activities of Iron and Nickel in Liquid Iron-Nickel Solutions,”Trans Metall. Soc. AIME, 215,185–192(1959). (Thermo; Experimental)
G.R. Zellars, S.L. Payne, J.P. Morris, and R.L. Kipp, “The Activities of Iron and Nickel in Liquid Fe-Ni Alloys,”Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME,215,181–185 (1959). (Thermo; Experimental)
E.J. Kondorski and V. Sedov, “Antiferromagnetism of Iron in Face-Centered Crystalline Lattice and the Causes of Anomalies in Invar Physical Properties,”J. Appl Phys.,31, 331S-335S (1960). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J. Paulene and D. Dautreppe, “Neutron Orientation Superstructure Created during Irradiation in a Magnetic Field of an Fe-Ni(50-50 Percent) Alloy,”Compt. Rend, 250, 3804–3806 (1960) in French. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
N.I. Anathanarayanan and P.J. Peuler, “ANew Reversible Solid State Transformation in Iron-Nickel Alloys in the Invar Range of Composition,”Nature, 192, 962–963 (1961). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
Y. Bando, “The Formation of Superstructure in Fe3Ni Fine Particles,”J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,16,2342–2343 (1961). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
V.l. Gorbunov, “Investigation of the Structure of Irreversible Alloys of the Iron-Nickel System,”Fiz. Met. Metalloved.,12, 78–83 (1961) in Russian; TR:Phys. Met Metallogr, 12(1), 68–72 (1961). (Magnetism; Experimental)
L. Kaufman and A.E. Ringwood, “High Pressure Equilibria in the Iron-Nickel System and the Structure of Metallic Meterorite,”Acta Metall,9,941–944(1961).(Pressure;Theory)
L. Kaufman, A. Leyenaar, and J.S. Harvey, “The Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the F.C.C.-B.C.C. Reactions in Iron-Base Alloys,”ProgressinVeryHighPressweResearch,F.Bundy et. al.,Eds.,J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 90–108 (1961). (Pressure; Experimental)
W. Steinerand O. Krisement, “Heat of Formation of y Iron-Nickel Alloys at 850°C”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,32,701–707 (1961) in German. (Thermo; Experimental)
J.F. Breedis and CM. Wayman, “The Martensitic Transformation in Fe-31 wt Pct Ni,”Trans. Metall Soc. AIME, 224,1128–1133 (1962). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
M.F. Collins, R.V. Jones, and R.D. Lawde, “On the Magnetic Moments and the Degree of Order in Iron-Nickel Alloys,”J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,17, Supplement B-III,Proc. Int Conf. on Magn. and Crys., Kyoto, Sep 25–30,19–26 (1962). (Magnetism; Experimental)
A. Gilbert and W.S. Owen, “Diffusionless Transformation in Iron-Nickel, Iron-Chromium and Iron-Silicon Alloys,”Acta Metall.,10,45–54 (1962). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
S. Kachi, Y Bando, and S. Higuchi, “The Phase Transformations of Iron-Rich Iron-Nickel Alloy in Fine Particles,”Jpn. J. Appl Phys.,1,307–313 (1962). (EquiDiagram; Experimental)
J. Pauleve, D. Dautreppe, J. Laugier, and L. Neel, “A New Order-Disorder Transition in Fe-Ni (50-50),”J. Phys. Radium, 23, 841–843 (1962) in French. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J. Pauleve, D. Dautreppe, J. Laugier, and L. Neel, “Establishment of an Ordered Structure in FeNi by Irradiation with Neutrons,”Compt. Rend, 254, 965–968 (1962) in French. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
R.B.C. Yeo, “Isothermal Martensite Transformation in Iron Base Alloys of Low Carbon Content,”Trans. Metall Soc. AIME, 224, 1222–1227 (1962). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J. Crangle and G.C. Hallam, “The Magnetization of Face-Centered-Cubic and Body-Centered-Cubic Iron and Nickel Alloys,”Proc. R. Soc. (London) A, 272, 119–132 (1963). (Magnetism; Experimental)
R.G. Davies and N.S. Stoloff, “Order and domain Hardening in Q13AU Type Superlattice Alloys,”Acta Metall.,11, 1347–1353 (1963). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)
WA. Dench, “Adiabatic High-Temperature Calorimeter for the Measurements of Heats of Alloys,”Trans. Faraday Soc, 59,1279–1292 (1963). (Thermo; Experimental)
A.J. Goldman and C.N.J. Wagner, “Faulting in Deformed Austenite and Martensite,”Acta Metall, 11, 405–413 (1963). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
T. Heumann and G. Karsten, “Carbonyl Vapor Method for Determination of Phase Equilibria in the Low Mobility Temperature Range Applied to Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,34, 781–785 (1963). (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases; Experimental; #)
A. Marchand, J. Pauleve, and D. Dautreppe, “Resistivity of and FeNi (50-50 Percent) Alloy Ordered by Irradiation with Neutrons,”Compt. Rend, 257,2987–2989 (1963) in French. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
R.G. Treuting and B.W. Batterman, “ADiffractometer Study of Long-Range Ordering in Ni3Fe and Associated Permalloys,”J. Appl Phys.,34,2005–2006 (1963). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
R.J. Weiss, “The Origin of the Invar Effect,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),82,281–288 (1963). (Magnetism; Theory)
R.B.G. Yeo, “The Effect of Alloying Elements on the Transformation of Fe-22.5 Pct Ni Alloys,”TransMetall. Soc. AIME, 227,84–890 (1963). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
Y. Bando, “The Magnetization of Face Centered Cubic Iron-Nickel Alloys in the Vicinity of Invar Region,”J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,19, 237 (1964). (Meta Phases, Magnetism; Experimental)
K.P. Gupta, C.H. Cheng, and P.A. Beck, “Low Temperature Spécifie Heat of F.CC. Alloys of the 3d-Transition Elements,”J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 25,73–83 (1964). (Thermo; Experimental)
W. Hume-Rothery and R.A. Buckley, “Liquidus ↔ Solidus Relations in Iron Alloys: Ideal Solutions,”J. IronSteelInst.,202,531–533 (1964). (Equi Diagram; Theory)
L. Neel, J. Paulene, R. Pauthenet, J. Laugier, and D. Dautreppe, “Magnetic Properties of an Iron-Nickel Single Crystal Ordered by Neutron Bombardment,”J. Appl Phys.,35,873–876 (1964). (Meta Phases, Magnetism; Experimental)
G.A. Roederand W.W. Smeltzer, “The Dissociation Pressures of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”J. Electrochem, Soc.,111, 1074–1078 (1964). (Thermo; Experimental)
A.D. Schindlerand CM. Williams, “Investigations of the Effects of Neutron and He(3) Irradiation on the Magnetic Properties of Permalloy Thin Films,”J. Appl. Phys.,35,877–879 (1964). (Magnetism; Experimental)
R. Ehrat and D. Rivier, “Low Temperature Specific Heats of Dilute Nickel Alloys,”Helv.Phys.Acta,38,643–645(1965) inFrench. (Thermo; Experimental)
J.I. Goldstein and R.E. Ogilvie, “A Re-Evaluation of the Iron-Rich Portion of the Fe-Ni System,”Trans. Metall Soc. AIME, 223, 2083–2087 (1965). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
V.l. Gonamkov, I.M. Puzei, and A.A. Loshmanov, “A Study of Superlattice Structure in Ni3Fe,”Kristallografiya,10,416–418(1965) in Russian; TR:Sov. Phys. Crystallogr., 10, 338–340 (1965). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
W.B. Pearson, “Handbook of Lattice Spacings and Structures of Metals-2,” International Series of Monographs in Metal Physics and Physical Metallurgy, Volume 8, G.V. Raynov Ed., National Research Council, Ottawa, 1965.
E.P. Abrahamson II and S.L. Lopata, “The Lattice Parameters and Solubility Limits of Alpha Iron as Affected by Some Binary Transition-Element Additions,”Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME, 236, 76–87 (1966). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
A. El-Khasan, K. Abdel-Aziz, A.A. Vertman, and A. M. Samarin, “Thermochemistry of Molten Nickel or Iron Alloys,”Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR,Met,(3), 19–31 (1966) in Russian; TR:Russ. Metall, (3), 10–16 (1966). (Thermo; Experimental)
W. Hume-Rothery,The Structures of Alloys of Iron, Pergamon Press, New York, NY, 121 (1966). (MetaPhases; Review)
T.Z. Kattamis and M.C. Flemings, “Dendrite Structure and Grain Size of Undercooled Melts,”Trans. Metall Soc. AIME, 236,1523–1532 (1966). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
R.G. McQueen and S.P. Marsh, “Shock Wave Compression of Iron-Nickel Alloys and the Earth’s Core,”J. Geophys.Res.,71,1751–1756 (1966). (Pressure; Experimental)
M. Onillon and M. Olette, “Determination of the Thermo-dynamic Functions for Dilute Solutions of Nickel in Liquid Iron,”C. R. Acad. Sci (Paris) C, 263,1122–1125 (1966) in French. (Thermo; Experimental)
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O. Kubaschewski and L.E.H. Stuart, “Heats of Formation and Heat Capacities in the System Iron-Nickel-Chromium,”J. Chem. Eng. Data, 12,418–420 (1967). (Thermo; Experimental)
M. J. Roberts and W.S. Owen, “The Strength of Martensitic Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Trans. ASM, 60,687–692 (1967). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
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R.E. Staub and J.L. McCall “Metallographic Studies of an Iron-Nickel Meteorite Following Long-Time Heat Treatments,”Proc. of the 2nd Annual Technical Meeting, Sept. 8–10,1969 SanFrancisco International Metallographic Society, 337–344 (1969). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
C. Gatellier, D. Henriet, and M. Olette, “Determination of the Thermodynamic Activities of the Constituents of Solid Fe-Ni Alloys by the Electrochemical Method,”Compt. Rend.,271,453–460 (1970) in French. (Thermo; Experimental)
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B. Predel and R. Mohs, “Thermodynamic Investigations of the Fe-Ni and Fe-Co Systems,”Arch Eisenhüttenwes.,41,143–149 (1970) in German. (Thermo; Experimental)
B. Predel and R. Mohs, “ANew High Temperature Calorimeter and its Application to the Determination of the Mixing Enthalpy of Liquid Cobalt-Nickel Alloys,”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,41, 61–66 (1970) in German. (Thermo; Experimental)
I.Y. Georgiyeva and O.P. Maksimora, “On the Interrelation Between Kinetics and Structure During Martensitic Transformations,”Fiz. Met. Metalloved.,32,364–376 (1971) in Russian; TR: Phys. Met. Metallogr.,32(2), 135–146(1971). (MetaPhases; Experimental)
G. Hausen and H. Warlimont, “Structural Inhomogeneity in Fe-Ni Invar Alloys Studied by Electron Diffraction,”Phys. Lett. A, 36, 415–416(1971). (MetaPhases; Experimental)
P.J. Spencer, F.H. Hayes, and L. Elford, “ Relationships Between Binary and Ternary Properties, ACalorimetric Investigation of the Fe-Co-Ni System,” in Chemical Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, Proc. Int. Symp., London, 1971, The Iron and Steel Institute, 322–326 (1973). (Thermo; Experimental)
Y Tozaki, Y.I. Iguchi, S. Ban-ya, and T. Fuwa, “Heatof Mixing of Iron Alloys,” in Chemical Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, Proc. Int. Symp., London, 1971, The Iron and Steel Institute, 130–132 (1973). (Thermo; Experimental)
LSh. Tsemekhman, S.E. Vaisburd, and Z.F. Shirokova, “Activities in Iron-Nickel, Iron-Cobalt, and Nickel-Cobalt Binary Melts,”Zh Fiz Khim.,45,2074–2077 (1971) in Russian; TR:Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 45,1176-1177 (1971). (Thermo; Experimental)
Y Calvayrac and M. Fayard, “Behavior of Iron-Nickel Alloys Around the Composition 75-25 in the Neighborhood of the Order-Disorder Transformation Temperature,”Mater. Res. Bull, 7,891–901 (1972) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
H. Davies and W.W. Smeltzer, “Oxygen and Metal Activities of the Iron-Nickel-Oxygen System at 1000 °C,”J. Electrochem. Soc.,19, 1362–1368(1972). (Thermo; Experimental)
K.C. Mills, K. Kinoshita, and P. Grieveson, “A Thennodynamic Study of liquid Iron and Nickel Alloys Using Electromagnetic Lévitation,”J. Chem. Thermodyn.,4,581–590 (1972). (Thermo; Experimental)
RJ. Weiss, “The Invar Effect,”Philos. Mag.,26(1), 261–263 (1972). (Meta Phases; Theory)
J.W. Cable and E.O. Wollan, “Magnetic Moment Distribution in NiFe and AuFe Alloys,”Phys. Rev. B, 7, 2005–2016 (1973). (Magnetism; Experimental)
Y. Calvayrac and M. Fayard, “Structural State and Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline Ni3:inFe Alloys,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 17,407–421 (1973). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
L. Kaufman and H. Nesor, “Calculation of the Binary Phase Diagrams of Iron, Chromium, Nickel and Cobalt,”Z. Metallkd.,64, 249–257(1973). (Thermo; Experimental)
T.G. Kollie and C.R. Brooks, “The Heat Capacity of Ni3Fe,”Phys. StatusSolidi(a), 19,545 (1973). (Thermo; Experimental)
T. Mizoguchi, K. Yamauchi, and H. Miyajima, “Ferromagnetism of Amorphous Iron Alloys,” inAmorphous Magnetism, H.O. Hooper and A.M. deGraaf, Ed., Plenum Press, 325–330 (1973). (Meta Phases, Magnetism; Experimental)
W.F. Schlosser, “Thermodynamics of an Invar Alloy,”Int. J. Magn.,4,49–55 (1973). (Thermo; Theory)
MI. Baskes, “Phase Stability of Iron Alloys,”Mater. Sci. Eng.,15,195–202(1974).(Thermo; Theory;#)
G.I. Batalin,N.N. Mineko, and VS. Sundavtsova, “Enthalpy of Mixing and Thermody namic Properties of Liquid Alloys of Iron with Manganese, Cobalt, and Nickel,”Izv.AkadNaukSSSR,MeL,(5), 99–104 (1974) in Russian; TR-.Russ. Metall, (5), 82–86 (1974). (Thermo; Experimental)
N.S. Golosov and B.V. Dudka, “Computer Modeling of the Order-Disorder Transformation in Q13AU and Ni3Fe,”Phys. Status Solidi (b), 66,439–448 (1974). (Meta Phases; Theory)
G. Inden, “Ordering and Segregation Reactions in B.C.C. Binary Alloys,”Acta Metall.,22,945–951 (1974). (Thermo; Theory)
M. Nishi, Y. Nakai, and N. Kunitomi, “Magnetic Moments in Fe-Ni Alloys,”J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,37, 570 (1974). (Magnetism; Experimental)
M.V. Rao and W. A. Tiller, “The Systems Fe-Cr and Fe-Ni: Thermochemistry and Phase Equilibria,”Mater. Sci. Eng.,14, 47–54 (1974). (Thermo; Theory; #)
M. Umemoto and W.S. Owen, “Effects of Austenitizing Temperature and Austenite Grain Size on the Formation of Athermal Martensite in an Iron-Nickel-Carbon Alloy,”Metall. Trans.,5,2041–2046 (1974). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J. Vrestel, A. Pokorna, and K. Stransky, “Determination of Thermodynamic Activities of Components in the Iron-Nickel System at T = 1509 K,”KovovéMater. ,1,3-9 (Thermo; Experimental)
L. Billard and A. Chamberod, “On the Dissymmetry of Mössbauer Spectra in Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Solid State Commun.,17, 113–118 (1975). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
G. Inden, “Determination of Chemical and Magnetic Interchange Energies in BCC Alloys,”Z. Metallkd, 66,577–582(1975). (Magnetism; Theory)
M. Lebienvenue and B. Dubois, “Study of the Order-Disorder Transformation in Ni3Fe by Measurement of Internal Friction,”C.R. Acad Sci. (Paris) C, 280,1251–1253 (1975) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
C.C. Trinel-Dufour and M.P. Perrot, “Activities of the Constituents of Fe-Ni Alloys Determined by Equilibrium Measurements in the Presence of an Oxide Phase,”C.R. Acad. Sci. (Paris) C, 281, 589–592 (1975) in French. (Thermo; Experimental)
A.D. Dalvi and R. Sridhar, “Thermodynamics of the Fe-Ni-O and Fe-Ni Systems at 1065 Kto 1380 K,”Can Metall Q.,25(4), 349–357 (1976). (Thermo; Experimental)
D. Robinson and B.B. Argent, “Thermodynamics of Dilute Solutions of the First-Period Transition Elements in Iron,”Met. Sci, 10,219–221 (1976). (Thermo; Experimental)
Y. Inokuti and B. Cantor, “Splat-Quenched Fe-Ni Alloys,”Scr. Metall, 10,655–659 (1976). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
E. J. Grimsey and A.K. Biswas, “The Activity of Iron in Low-Iron Liquid (Ni+Au+Fe) and Solid (Ni+Fe) Alloys at 1573 K,”J. Chem. Thermodyn.,9,415–422 (1977). (Thermo; Experimental)
M Hasebe and T. Nishizawa, “Analysis and Synthesis of Phase Diagrams of the Fe-Cr-Ni, Fe-Cu-Mn and Fe-Cu-Ni Systems,” Ap-plications of Phase Diagrams in Metallurgy and Ceramics, Nat. Bur. Stds. SP-496, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington,DC, 1977. (Thermo; Experimental)
H. Huthmann, “Factors Influencing Chemical and Magnetic Ordering Transformations in F.C.C. Iron-Nickel Alloys,” thesis, Tech. Univ., Aachen (1977) in German. (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)
O. Kubaschewski, K.H. Geiger, and K. Hack, “The Thermochemical Properties of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Z. Metallkd.,68,337–341 (1977) in German. (Thermo; Experimental)
L.N. Larikov and Y.V. Vsov, “Thermal Properties of Fe-Ni Alloys,”Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, Metallofiz.,68,3–14 (1977) in Russian. (Thermo; Theory ;#)
A.P. Miodownik, “The Calculation of Magnetic Contributions to Phase Stability,”Calphad, 1,133–158 (1977). (Magnetism; Theory)
K. Ono, Y. Veda, Y. Yamaguchi, and J. Moriyama, “Thermodynamic Study of Fe-Ni Solid Solution,”Trans. Jpn. Inst. Met.,18, 610–616 (1977). (Thermo; Experimental)
J.F. Pctersen, A Aydin, and J.M. Knudsen, “Mössbauer Spectroscopy of an Ordered Phase (Superstructure) of FeNi in an Iron Meteorite,”Phys. Lett. A, 62, 192–194 (1977). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
A.L. Roitburd, “Predominant Effect of the Internal Stress Relaxa- tion on Microstructural and Kinetic Features of Martensitic Transfor- mation,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 40,333–342 (1977). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
J.F. Albertsen, G.B. Jensen, and J.M. Knudsen, “Structure of Taenite in Two Meteorites,”Nature, 273, 453–454 (1978). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
J.F. Albertsen, M. Aydin, and J.M. Knudsen, “Mössbauer Effect Studies of Taenite Lamelle of Iron Meteorite Cape York (III.A),”Phys. Scr.,17,467–472 (1978). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
A. Chamberod, M. Roth, and L. Billard, “Small Angle Scattering in Invar Alloys,”J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,7,101–103 (1978). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
B.R. Conrad, T.S. McAneney, and R. Sridhan, “Thermo- dynamics of Iron-Nickel Alloys by Mass Spectroscopy,”Metall Trans. B,9,463–468 (1978). (Mete Phases, Thermo; Experimental)
G. Galeczki and A.A. Hirsch, “Gamma Phase Dispersions in Fe- Ni Alloys Below the Critical Concentration, ”J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,7110–112 (1978). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
M. Hillcrt, “Prediction of Iron-Base Diagram,”in Hardenability Concepts with Applications to Steel, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, Pa, 5- 27 (1978). (Thermo; Theory)
A. Katsuki, “Physics and Applications of Invar Alloys,”Honda Memorial Series on Materials Science No. 3 (1978). (Mete Phases, Thermo, Magnetism; Review)
N. Maruyama and S. Ban-ya, “Measurements of Activities in Liquid Fe-Ni, Fe-Co, and Ni-Co Alloys by a Transportation Method,”J. Inst. Met. Jpn.,42, 992–999 (1978) in Japanese. (Thermo; Ex- perimental)
J. Agren, “A Thermodynamic Analysis of the Fe-C and Fe-Ni Phase Diagram,”Metall. Trans. A, 10,1847–1852 (1979). (Thermo; Theory)
O. Bostanjoglo, U. Heinecke, and R. Liedtke, “Possible Stabilization of Amorphous FeNi Films by Conduction Electrons,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 56, 569–572 (1979). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
A. Chamberod, J. Laugier, and J.M. Penisson, “Electron Irradiation Effects on Iron-Nickel Invar Alloys,”J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 10, 139–144 (1979). (Meta Phases; Experimental; #)
M.C. Desjonqueres and M. Lavanga, “Effects of Order on the Electronic Structure of Ferromagnetic Transition Metal Alloys: Application to FeCo and Ni3Fe,”J. Phys. F, Met Phys., 9,1733–1743 (1979). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
J.M. Larrain and H.H. Kellogg, “Use of Chemical Species for Correlation of Solution Properties,” inCalculation of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry of Alloy Phases, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 130–144 (1979). (Thermo; Theory; #)
L.S. Lin, J.I. Goldstein, and D.B. Williams, “Analytical Electron Microscopy Study of the Plessite Structure in Four III CD Iron Meteorites,”Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 43,725–737 (1979). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
M. Matsui and K. Adachi, “Low Temperature Structure of Fe-Ni Alloys,”J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 10,152–154 (1979). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
E.R.D. Scott and R.S. Clarke, “Identification of Clear Taenite in Meteorites as Ordered FeNi,”Nature, 281, 360–362 (1979). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
M. Shimizu, “Origin of the Anomalies and Thermodynamic Aspects of Iron-Nickel Invar Alloys,”J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,10 231–235 (1979). (MetaPhases; Theory)
Y. Tanji, Y. Nakagawa, Y. Saito, K. Nishimura, and K, Nakatzuka, “Anomalous Thermodynamic Properties of Iron-Nickel (F.C.C.) Alloys,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 56,513–519 (1979). (Thermo; Experimental)
J.M. Larrain, “High Temperature Thermodynamic Properties of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Calphad, 4,155–171 (1980). (Thermo; Theory; #)
S. Mehta, P.M. Novotny, D.B. Williams, and J.I. Goldstein, “Electron-Optical Observations of Ordered Fe-Ni in the Estherville Meteorite,”Nature, 284,151–153 (1980). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
A.D. Romig and J.I. Goldstein, “Determination of the Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-P Phase Diagrams at Low Temperatures (700 to 300 °C),”Metall Trans. A, 11,1151–1159(1980). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
J.KVan Deen and F. Van der Woude, “Phase Diagram of the Order-Disorder Transition in Ni3Fe,”J. Phys., 41, C1–367–C1–368 (1980). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
G. Bordin, G.C. Cecchi, and G.B. Fratucello, “Remarks on the Martensitic Transformation in Some Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Nuovo Cimento B, 61,338–346 (1981). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
Y. Iguchi, Y. Tozaki, M. Kakizaki, T. Fuwa, and S. Ban-ya, “A Calorimetric Study of Heat of Mixing of Liquid Iron Alloys,”J. Iron Steel Inst. Jpn., 67, 925–932 (1981) in Japanese. (Thermo; Experimental)
G. Imrich-Swartz and H. Gamsjager, “Computer-Supported Evaluation of the Gibbs-Duhem Equation,” Ber Hüttenmänn. Monatsh.,126,275-277(1981) in German. (Thermo; Theory)
S. Lefebvre, F. Bleu, M. Fayard, and M. Roth, “Neutron Diffuse Scattering Investigation of Different States of Local Order in62Nio.765Feo.235,”Acta Metall, 29,749–761 (1981). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
T. Nishizawa and M. Hasebe, “Computer Calculation of Phase Diagrams of Iron Alloys,”J. Iron Steel Inst. Jpn., 67, 2086–2097 (1981) in Japanese. (Thermo; Theory;#)
W. Rammensee and D.G. Fraser, “Activities in Solid and Liquid Fe-Ni and Fe-Co Alloys Determined by Knudsen Cell Mass Spectrometry,”Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem, 85, 558–592 (1981). (Thermo; Experimental)
B. Sundman, “A Computer Program for Optimizing Parameters in Thermodynamic Model,” R. Inst. Stockhohn, Sweden, Rep. D28 (1981). (Thermo; Theory)
J.K. Van Deen and F. Van der Woude, “Phase Diagram of the Order-Disorder Transition in Ni3Fe,”Acta Metall, 29, 1255–1262 (1981). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
P.J. Brofman and G.S. Asell, “On The Morphology of Martensite in Fe-27 Ni Alloys,” Proc. Int Conf. on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1373–1377 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
C.R. Brooks, P.J. Meschter, and T.G. Kollie, “The Magnetic Heat Capacity of the Configurationally Disordered Ni-25 at% Fe Alloy,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 73,189–198 (1982). (Thermo; Experimental)
T.G. Chart, D.D. Gohil, and Z.S. Xing, “Calculated Phase Equilibria for the Cu-Ni-Fe System,” NPL Rep. DMA(A) 54, National Physical Laboratory, Middlesex, UK, Aug (1982). (Thermo; Theory;#)
F. Duflos and B. Cantor, “The Microstructure and Kinetics of Martensite Transformation in Splat-Quenched Fe and Fe-Ni Alloys-I. Pure Fe,”Acta Metall., 30, 323–342 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J.I. Goldstein and D.B. Williams, “Low Temperature Phase Transformations in the Metallic Phases of Meteorites,” Proc. Int Conf. on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 715–719 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
R.A Jago, P.E. Clark, and P.L. Rossiter, “The Santa Catharina Meteorite and the Equilibrium State of Fe-Ni Alloys,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 74,247–254 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
O. Kubaschewski,Iron Binary Phase Diagrams, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 73–78 (1982). (Equi Diagram; Review)
J. Orehotsky, J.B. Sousa, and M.F. Pinheiro, “Critical Behavior in Ni3Fe and Ni3Mn,”J. Appl. Phys., 53, 7939–7941 (1982). (Equi Diagram, Magnetism; Experimental)
JJ. Rayment, O. Ashira, and B. Cantor, “The As-Quenched Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Fe-25 wt.% Ni,” Proc. Int. Conf. Solid-Solid Phase Transformations, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1385–1389 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
JJ. Rhyne, “Magnetic Transition Temperatures of the Elements,”Bull Alloy Phase Diagrams, 3, 402 (1982). (Magnetism; Review)
A. Rodrigues, C. Prioul, J. Plusquellec, and P. Y. Azou, “The Effects of Carbon and Time-Related Parameters on the Reheat Martensite Transformations in Fe-Ni-C Alloys at Subzero Temperatures,” Proc. Int. Conf. Solid-Solid Phase Transformations, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA1391–1395 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J. Velisek, “Correlation of Selected Thermodynamic and Phase Dato in the Fe-Ni System,”.Kovové Mater., 20,257–265 (1982). (Thermo; Theory;#)
G.J. Abbaschian and M.C Flemings, “Supercooling and Structure of Levitation Melted Fe-Ni Alloys,”Metall Trans. A, 14,1147–1157(1983). (MetaPhases; Experimental)
D.S. Kamenetskaya, O.P. Maksimora, and V.l. Shiryayev, “Features of the Martensite Transformation in High Purity Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Fiz. Met. Metalloved, 55(5), 967–972 (1983) in Russian; TR: Phys. Met. Metallogr., 55 (5), 121–127 (1983). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
A. Sen Gupta and B.K. Banarjee, “High Temperature X-ray Study of Some Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Indian J. Phys.A, 57,196–199 (1983). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
G. Bordin, G.C. Cecchi, and I. Montanari, “Some Transport Properties in Martensitic Iron—Nickel Alloys,”Nuovo Cimento D, 3(2), 436–446(1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
P. Cenedese, F. Bley, and S. Lefebvre, “Atomic Short Range Order in a Fe-Ni Invar Alloy,”Phase Transformations in Solids, Mater. Res. Symp. Proa, T. Tsakalakos, Ed., North-Holland, New York, 351–353 (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
P.D. Desai and M.S. Desphande, “Thermodynamic Properties of Nickel,” CINDAS Rep. 80, Purdue University, Layfayette, IN, Aug (1984). (Thermo; Review)
AM. Gorovol, A.I. Ushakov, V.G. Kazakov, Yu.L Raodionov, and V.N. Goloborod'ko, “The Approach to the Equilibrium State in Filmsoflron—Nickel Alloys,”Fix. Met Metalloved., 58(1), 113–118 (1984) in Russian. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
EA. Izmailov, “The TransformationofMartensite into Austenite in Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Fiz. Met Metalloved., 58(1), 39–97 (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
S. Lefebvre, F. Bley, and P. Cenedese, “Determination of Short Range Order Parameters in62Nio.765Feo.235 at 600 °C Effect of a Quench,”Phase Transformations in Solids, Mater. Res. Symp. Proa, T. Tsakalakos, Ed., North-Holland, New York, 351–353 (1984). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
H. Miura, S. Isa, K. Omuro, “Production of Amorphous Iron— Nickel Based Alloys by Flame-Spray Quenching and Coatings on Metal Substrates,”Trans. Jpn. Inst. Met, 25(4), 284–291 (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
O.S. Rinkevich and V. ZePdovich, “An Analysis of the Growth Kinetics of New Austenite Grains During the Alpha-Gamma Transformation in an Iron-Nickel Alloy,”Fiz. Met. Metalloved., 58(1), 142- 148 (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
P.L. Rossiterand R.A. Jago, “Towards a True Fe-Ni Phase Diagram,”Phase Transformation in Solids, Mater. Res. Symp. Proa, T. Tsakalakos, Ed., 409–411, North Holland, New York (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental; #)
P.L. Rossiter and PJ. Lawrence, “Phase Transformations in FeNi Invar Alloys,”Philos. Mag. A, 49(4), 535–546 (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
H. Yamauchi and S. Radelaar, “Cu-Ni-Fe Coherent Phase Diagram,” TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA(1984). (Meta Phases; Theory)
Y.Y. Chuang, R. Schmid, and Y.A. Chang, “Magnetic Contributions to the Thermodynamic Functions of Pure Ni, Co, and Fe,”Metall Trans.A,16,153–165 (1985). (Thermo; Theory)
Y.Y. Chuang, Y.A. Chang, and R. Schmid, “Magnetic Contribution to the Thermodynamic Functions of Alloys and the Phase Diagram of Fe-Ni System Below 1200 K,”Metall Trans. A, 16,153- 165 (1985). (Meta Phases, Thermo; Theory)
J. Tomiska and A. Neckel, “Thermodynamic Investigation of Fe-Ni Alloys: Mass Spectrometric Determination of Thermodynamic Mixing Effects and Calculation of the Melting Diagram,”Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem.,89,1104–1109 (1985). (Equi Diagram; Thermo; Experimental)
Y.Y. Chuang, K.C. Hsieh, and YA. Chang, “A Thermodynamic Analysis of the Phase Equilibrium of the Fe-Ni System Above 1200 K,”Metall. Trans. A, 17, 1373–1379 (1986). (Meta Phases; Theory)
Y.Y. Chuang, YA. Chang, R. Schmid, and J.C. Lin, “Magnetic Contributions to the Thermodynamic Functions of Alloys and the Phase Equilibria of Fe-Ni System below 1200 K,”Metall Trans. A, 17,1361–1371 (1986). (Meta Phases; Equi Diagram; Theory)
K.B. Reuter, D.B. Williams, and J.I. Goldstein, “Determination of the Fe-Ni Phase Diagram Below 400 °C,”Metall Trans. A, 20,719- 724 (1989). (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases; Experimental)
E. Jette and F. Foote, “X-ray Study of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Trans. AIME, 120,259–276(1936). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
H.O. von Samonson-Himnelstjerna, “The Heat Content and Heat of Formation of Melted Alloys,”Z. Metallkd., 28, 197–202 (1936) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
P. D. Merica, “Constitution of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Metals Handbook, American Society for Metals, Cleveland, OH, 271–273 (1936). (Meta Phases; Review; #)
A.J. Bradley, A.H. Jay, and A. Taylor, “The Lattice Spacing of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Philos. Mag.,23,545–547 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
C.H.M. Jenkins, E.H. Bucknall, C.R. Austin, and G.A. Mellor, “Some Alloys for Use at High Temperatures,”J. Iron Steel Inst.,136, 187–222 (1937). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
O. Kallback, “Determination of the Order-Disorder Point in FeNi3,”Ark. Mat Astron. Fys.,34B, 17–21 (1947). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
F. Koerber, W. Oelsen, and H. Lichtenberg, “On the Thermochemistry of Alloys II. Direct Determination of the Heats of Formation of the Ternary Alloys Fe-Ni-Al, Fe-Co-Al, Cu-Ni-Al, Fe-Al-Si, and a Portion ofthe Cu-Mn-Al System,”Mitt. Kaiser Wlhelmlnst Eisenforsch.,19, 131–159 (1937) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
E. A. Owen and E.L. Yates, “X-ray Investigation of Pure Iron- Nickel Alloys. Part I: Thermal Expansion of Alloys Rich in Nickel,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),49, 17–28 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
E. A. Owen and E.L. Yates, “X-ray Investigation of Pure Iron- Nickel Alloys. Part 2: Thermal Expansion of Some Further Alloys,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),49,178–188 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
E.A. Owen and E.L. Yates, “An X-ray Investigation of Pure ton-Nickel Alloys. Part 3: The Thermal Expansion of Alloys Rich in Iron,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),49, 307–314 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
EA. Owen,E.L. Yates, and A.H. Sully, “An X-ray Investigation of Pure Iron-Nickel Alloys. Part 4: The Variation of Lattice Parameter with Composition,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),49,315- 322 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
EA. Owen, E.L. Yates, and A.H. Sully, “An X-ray Investigation of Pure Iron-Nickel Alloys. Part 5: The Variation of Thermal Expansion with Composition,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),49,323–325 (1937). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
F.E. Haworth, “An X-ray Test of Superstructure in FeNi3,”Phys. Rev.,54,693–698 (1938). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
S. Kaya, “The Superlattice in Iron-Nickel Alloys and the Permalloy Problem,”J. Fac. Sci Hokkaido Imp. Univ.,2,29–53 (1938). (Magnetism; Experimental)
J.S. March,The Alloys of Iron and Nickel, McGraw Hill, New York, 24–55 (1938). (Equi Diagram; Review; #)
F.E. Haworth, “Superstructure in FeNi3,”Phys. Rev.,56,229–231 (1939). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
S. Kaya and M. Nakayama, “The Superstructure in Iron-Nickel- Cobalt Alloys and the Perminvar Problem,”Z. Phys.,112,420–429 (1939) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
A. Kussmann, “Evidence for a Superstructure Phase in the ton- Nickel System,”Z. Metallkd.,31,212–214 (1939) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
P. Leech and C. Sykes, “The Evidence for A Superlattice in the Nickel-ton Alloy Ni3Fe,”Philos. Mag.,27, 742–753 (1939). (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)
E.A. Owen and A.H. Sully, “The Equilibrium Diagram of Iron- Nickel Alloys,”Philos. Mag.,27, 614–636 (1939). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
W. Sucksmith, “The Measurement of Magnetic Saturation Intensities at Different Temperatures,”Proc. R. Soc. (London),170,551- 557 (1939). (Magnetism; Experimental)
E.M. Grabbe, “Ferromagnetic Anisotropy, Magnetization at Saturation, and Superstructure in Ni3Fe and Nearby Compositions,”Phys. Rev.,57,728–734 (1940). (Magnetism; Experimental)
W.H. Keesom and B. Kurrelmeyer, “Specific Heats of Alloys of Nickel with Copper and with Iron from 1.2° to 20°K,”Physica, 7, 1003–1024 (1940). (Thermo; Experimental)
EC Nix, H.G. Beyer, and R. Dunning, “Neutron Studies of Order in Fe-Ni Alloys,”Phys. Rev).,58,1031–1034 (1940). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
A.T. Pickles and W. Sucksmith, “A Magnetic Study of the Two- Phase Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Proc. R. Soc. (London) A, 175,331–334 (1940). (Equi Diagram, Magnetism; Experimental)
A. J. Zuithoff, “The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at High Temperature XII. The Specific Heats of Iron- Nickel Alloys of Various Compositions Between 100° and 1400 °C,”Rec. Trav. Chim).,59,131–160 (1940). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
E. A. Owen and A.H. Sully, “On the Migration of Atoms in Iron- Nickel Alloys,”Philos. Mag).,31, 314–338 (1941). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)
K. Hoselitz and W. Sucksmith, “A Magnetic Study of the Two- Phase Iron-Nickel Alloys, II,”Proc. R. Soc. (London), 1,30 (1943). (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases, Magnetism; Experimental)
W. Oelsen and F. Wever, “On the Influence of Elements on the Polymorphism of Iron,Arch. Eisenhüttenwes).,19,97–104 (1947) in German. (Meta Phases; Theory)
J.C. Fisher, J.H. Hollomon, and D. Turnbull, “Nucleation,”J. Appl. Phys).,19,775–784(1948). (MetaPhases; Theory)
O. Kallback, “Determination of the Order-Disorder Point in FeNi3,”Ark. Mat. Astron. Fys).,345(17), 1–6 (1948). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
H. Hahn and H. Muhlberg, “The System Iron/Nickel/Nitrogen,”Z Anorg. Chem).,259,121–134 (1949) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
F.N. Jones and W.I. Pumphrey, “Free Energy and Metastable States in the Iron-Nickel and Iron-Manganese Systems,”J. Iron Steel Inst, 163,121–131 (1949). (Equi Diagram, MetaPhases; Experimental)
O. Kubaschewski and O. von Goldbeck, “The Thermodynamics of the Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Trans. Faraday Soc).,45, 948- 960 (1949). (Thermo; Experimental)
EA. Owen and Y.H. Liu, “Further X-Ray Study of the Equilibrium Diagram of the Iron-Nickel System,”J. Iron Steel Inst).,123, 132–136 (1949). (EquiDiagram; Experimental; #)
E. Josso, “Equilibrium Diagram for the Order to Disorder Transformation of Iron-Nickels near Ni3Fe,”Compt. Rend,230, 1467- 1469 (1950). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
E.S. Machlin and M. Cohen, “Burst Phenomenon in the Martensitic Transformation,”Trans. AIME, 191, 746–754 (1951). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
R. Smoluchowski, “Statistical Properties of Solid Solutions,”Phys. Rev).,84,511–518 (1951). (Meta Phases; Theory)
W. Sucksmith, “Magnetic Saturation Intensity and Some Related Measurements,”J. Phys. Radium, 12,430–436 (1951). (Magnetism; Experimental)
F. Hund, “Characterization of Nickel-Iron Alloy Powders at Low Temperature and Investigations of Lattice Changes,”Z Elektrochem.,56, 609–612 (1952) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
S. Iida, “Formation Energy of Superlattice for Ni3Fe, (I) Cooperative Formation of Superlattice at the Critical Temperatures,”J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,7,373–379 (1952). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
R.M. Bozorth and J.G. Walker, “Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy and Magnetostriction of Iron-Nickel Alloys, ”Phys.Rev.,89,624–628 (1953). (Magnetism; Experimental)
R.M. Bozorth, “The Permalloy Problem,”Rev. Mod. Phys.,25, 42–48 (1953). (Magnetism; Experimental)
A.H. Geisler, “Written Discussion of [53Rhi],”Trans. ASM,45, 1051–1054 (1953). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
R.A. Oriani, “Thermodynamic Activities in Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Acta Metall.,1,448–454 (1953). (Thermo; Experimental)
F.N. Rhines and J.B. Newkirk, “The Order-Disorder Transformation Viewed as a Classical Phase Change,”Trans. ASM, 45,1029–1046 (1953). (Equi Diagram; Theory)
R J. Wakelin and E.L. Yates, “A Study of the Order-Disorder Transformation in ton-Nickel Alloys in the Region FeNi3”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B, 66, 221–240 (1953). (Crys Structure, Magnetism; Experimental)
S. Iida, “Formation Energy of Superlattice in Ni3Fe (II) Kinetics of the Superlattice in the Stage of Local Ordering,”J Phys. Soc. Jpn.,9,346–354 (1954). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
F. Lihl, “Phase Boundaries in the Iron-Nickel System at Temperatures Below 300 °C,”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,25,475–478 (1954) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
M.R. Meyerson and S.J. Rosenberg, “The Influence of Heat Treating Variables on the Martensite Transformation in SAE 1050 Steel,”Trans. ASM,46,1225–1253 (1954). (MetaPhases; Experimental)
P. Royen and H. Reinhart, “The Influence of Alloying Iron with Gold, Silver, Copper, of Nickel on Iron Oxidation Equilibrium,”Z Anorg. Chem.,281,18–36 (1955) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
CG. Shull and M.K. Wilkinson, “Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Magnetic Structure of Alloys of Transition Elements,”Phys. Rev.,97,304–310(1955). (Magnetism; Experimental)
A.L. Sutton and W. Hume-Rothery, “The Lattice Spacings of Solid Solutions of Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Cobalt and Nickel in Alpha-Iron,”Philos. Mag.,46, 1295–1309 (1955). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
R.E. Cech, “Evidence for Solidification of a Metastable Phase in Fe-Ni Alloys,”Trans.AIME,206,585–589(1956). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
L. Kaufman and M. Cohen, “The Martensitic Transformation in the Iron-Nickel System,”Trans. AIME, 206, 1393–1401 (1956). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
Y. Tino, “Possible Existence of Fe3Ni,”Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ.,40,17–23 (1956). (MetaPhases; Experimental)
A. Hellawell and W. Hume-Rothery, “The Constitution of Alloys of Iron and Manganese with Transition Elements of the First Long Period,”Philos. Trans. R. Soc. (London) A, 249, 417–459 (1957). (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)
B.G. Lyashchenko, D.F. Iitvin, I.M. Puzei, and Yu.G. Abov, “Neutron Diffraction of Iron-Nickel Alloys of the Permalloy Class,”Kristallografiya, 2,64–73 (1957) in Russian; TR:Sov. Phys. Crystal-logr., 2,59-67 (1957). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
L.M. Viting, “Investigation of the Iron-Nickel-Cobalt System in the Region of the Metallic Compounds Ni3Fe and FeCo,”Zh. Neorg. Khim.,2,367–374 (1957) in Russian;TR:J. Inorg. Chem.,2(2), 217- 228 (1957). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
A. Kussmann and K. Jessen, “Investigation of Atomic Ordering in Iron-Nickel-(Platinum) Alloys with Low Thermal Expansion,”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,29, 585–594 (1958) in German. (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases; Experimental)
A.P. Lyubimov, V.Ya. Zobens, and V.P. Rakhovskii, “A Mass Spectrometric Determination of the Thermodynamic Characteristics of Binary Metallic Systems,”Zh. Fiz. Khim.,32,1804–1808 (1958) in Russian. (Thermo; Experimental)
B.Ya. Pines and L.P. Grebennils, “A New Crystalline Phase in Thin Films of Fe-Ni Alloys,”Kristallografiya, 31 461–466 (1958) in Russian; TR: Sov. Phys. Crystallogr.,3, 460–464 (1958). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
N.I. Ananthanarayanan and R.J. Peavler, “Room Temperature Decomposition of Austenite in Fifty Percent Nickel-Fifty Percent Iron Magnetic Alloy Tapes,”J. Appl. Phys.,30,202S-203S (1959). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
M.V. Dekhtyar and N.M. Kazantseva, “Structure Changes and Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Magnetic Properties of Ni-Fe Alloys (50 Percent Ni),”Fiz. Met Metalloved, 8, 412–416 (1959) in Russian; TR:Phys. Met Metallogr, 8,84-87 (1959). (Magnetism; Experimental)
F. Scheil and W. Normann, “Investigation of the Thermodynamics of the α ↔ γ Transformation in Iron-Nickel Alloys, ”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,30,751–754 (1959) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
R. Speiser, A J. Jacobs, and J. W. Spertnak, “Activities of Iron and Nickel in Liquid Iron-Nickel Solutions,”Trans Metall. Soc. AIME, 215,185–192(1959). (Thermo; Experimental)
G.R. Zellars, S.L. Payne, J.P. Morris, and R.L. Kipp, “The Activities of Iron and Nickel in Liquid Fe-Ni Alloys,”Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME,215,181–185 (1959). (Thermo; Experimental)
E.J. Kondorski and V. Sedov, “Antiferromagnetism of Iron in Face-Centered Crystalline Lattice and the Causes of Anomalies in Invar Physical Properties,”J. Appl Phys.,31, 331S-335S (1960). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J. Paulene and D. Dautreppe, “Neutron Orientation Superstructure Created during Irradiation in a Magnetic Field of an Fe-Ni(50-50 Percent) Alloy,”Compt. Rend, 250, 3804–3806 (1960) in French. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
N.I. Anathanarayanan and P.J. Peuler, “ANew Reversible Solid State Transformation in Iron-Nickel Alloys in the Invar Range of Composition,”Nature, 192, 962–963 (1961). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
Y. Bando, “The Formation of Superstructure in Fe3Ni Fine Particles,”J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,16,2342–2343 (1961). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
V.l. Gorbunov, “Investigation of the Structure of Irreversible Alloys of the Iron-Nickel System,”Fiz. Met. Metalloved.,12, 78–83 (1961) in Russian; TR:Phys. Met Metallogr.,12(1), 68–72 (1961). (Magnetism; Experimental)
L. Kaufman and A.E. Ringwood, “High Pressure Equilibria in the Iron-Nickel System and the Structure of Metallic Meterorite,”Acta Metall,9,941–944(1961).(Pressure;Theory)
L. Kaufman, A. Leyenaar, and J.S. Harvey, “The Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the F.C.C.-B.C.C. Reactions in Iron-Base Alloys,”ProgressinVeryHighPressweResearch, F. Bundyet. al.,Eds.,J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 90–108 (1961). (Pressure; Experimental)
W. Steinerand O. Krisement, “Heat of Formation of y Iron-Nickel Alloys at 850°C”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,32,701–707 (1961) in German. (Thermo; Experimental)
J.F. Breedis and CM. Wayman, “The Martensitic Transformation in Fe-31 wt Pct Ni,”Trans. Metall Soc. AIME, 224,1128–1133 (1962). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
M.F. Collins, R.V. Jones, and R.D. Lawde, “On the Magnetic Moments and the Degree of Order in Iron-Nickel Alloys,”J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,17, Supplement B-III, Proc. Int Conf. on Magn. and Crys., Kyoto, Sep 25–30,19–26 (1962). (Magnetism; Experimental)
A. Gilbert and W.S. Owen, “Diffusionless Transformation in Iron-Nickel, Iron-Chromium and Iron-Silicon Alloys,”Acta Metall.,10,45–54 (1962). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
S. Kachi, Y Bando, and S. Higuchi, “The Phase Transformations of Iron-Rich Iron-Nickel Alloy in Fine Particles,”Jpn. J. Appl Phys.,1,307–313 (1962). (EquiDiagram; Experimental)
J. Pauleve, D. Dautreppe, J. Laugier, and L. Neel, “A New Order-Disorder Transition in Fe-Ni (50-50),”J. Phys. Radium, 23, 841–843 (1962) in French. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J. Pauleve, D. Dautreppe, J. Laugier, and L. Neel, “Establishment of an Ordered Structure in FeNi by Irradiation with Neutrons,”Compt. Rend, 254, 965–968 (1962) in French. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
R.B.C. Yeo, “Isothermal Martensite Transformation in Iron Base Alloys of Low Carbon Content,”Trans. Metall Soc. AIME, 224, 1222–1227 (1962). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J. Crangle and G.C. Hallam, “The Magnetization of FaceCentered-Cubic and Body-Centered-Cubic Iron and Nickel Alloys,”Proc. R. Soc. (London) A, 272, 119–132 (1963). (Magnetism; Experimental)
R.G. Davies and N.S. Stoloff, “Order and domain Hardening in Q13AU Type Superlattice Alloys,”Acta Metall.,11, 1347–1353 (1963). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)
WA. Dench, “Adiabatic High-Temperature Calorimeter for the Measurements of Heats of Alloys,”Trans. Faraday Soc, 59,1279- 1292 (1963). (Thermo; Experimental)
A.J. Goldman and C.N.J. Wagner, “Faulting in Deformed Austenite and Martensite,”Acta Metall, 11, 405–413 (1963). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
T. Heumann and G. Karsten, “Carbonyl Vapor Method for Determination of Phase Equilibria in the Low Mobility Temperature Range Applied to Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,34, 781–785 (1963). (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases; Experimental; #)
A. Marchand, J. Pauleve, and D. Dautreppe, “Resistivity of and FeNi (50-50 Percent) Alloy Ordered by Irradiation with Neutrons,”Compt. Rend, 257,2987–2989 (1963) in French. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
R.G. Treuting and B.W. Batterman, “ADiffractometer Study of Long-Range Ordering in Ni3Fe and Associated Permalloys,”J. Appl Phys.,34,2005–2006 (1963). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
R.J. Weiss, “The Origin of the Invar Effect,”Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),82,281–288 (1963). (Magnetism; Theory)
R.B.G. Yeo, “The Effect of Alloying Elements on the Transformation of Fe-22.5 Pct Ni Alloys,”TransMetall. Soc. AIME, 227,84- 890 (1963). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
Y. Bando, “The Magnetization of Face Centered Cubic Iron- Nickel Alloys in the Vicinity of Invar Region,”J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,19, 237 (1964). (Meta Phases, Magnetism; Experimental)
K.P. Gupta, C.H. Cheng, and P.A. Beck, “Low Temperature Spécifie Heat of F.CC. Alloys of the 3d-Transition Elements,”J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 25,73–83 (1964). (Thermo; Experimental)
W. Hume-Rothery and R.A. Buckley, “Liquidus ↔ Solidus Relations in Iron Alloys:Ideal Solutions,”J. IronSteelInst.,202,531- 533 (1964). (Equi Diagram; Theory)
L. Neel, J. Paulene, R. Pauthenet, J. Laugier, and D. Dautreppe, “Magnetic Properties of an Iron-Nickel Single Crystal Ordered by Neutron Bombardment,”J. Appl Phys.,35,873–876 (1964). (Meta Phases, Magnetism; Experimental)
G.A. Roederand W.W. Smeltzer, “The Dissociation Pressures of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”J. Electrochem, Soc.,111, 1074–1078 (1964). (Thermo; Experimental)
A.D. Schindlerand CM. Williams, “Investigations of the Effects of Neutron and He(3) Irradiation on the Magnetic Properties of Permalloy Thin Films,”J. Appl. Phys.,35,877–879 (1964). (Magnetism; Experimental)
R. Ehrat and D. Rivier, “Low Temperature Specific Heats of Dilute Nickel Alloys,”Helv.Phys.Acta,38,643–645(1965) inFrench. (Thermo; Experimental)
J.I. Goldstein and R.E. Ogilvie, “A Re-Evaluation of the Iron- Rich Portion of the Fe-Ni System,”Trans. Metall Soc. AIME, 223, 2083–2087 (1965). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
V.l. Gonamkov, I.M. Puzei, and A.A. Loshmanov, “A Study of Superlattice Structure in Ni3Fe,”Kristallografiya,10,416–418(1965) in Russian; TR:Sov. Phys. Crystallogr., 10, 338–340 (1965). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
W.B. Pearson, “Handbook of Lattice Spacings and Structures of Metals-2,” International Series of Monographs in Metal Physics and Physical Metallurgy, Volume 8, G.V. Raynov Ed., National Research Council, Ottawa, 1965.
E.P. Abrahamson II and S.L. Lopata, “The Lattice Parameters and Solubility Limits of Alpha Iron as Affected by Some Binary Transition-Element Additions,”Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME, 236, 76–87 (1966). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
A. El-Khasan, K. Abdel-Aziz, A.A. Vertman, and A. M. Samarin, “Thermochemistry of Molten Nickel or Iron Alloys,”Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR,Met,(3), 19–31 (1966) in Russian; TR:Russ. Metall, (3), 10–16 (1966). (Thermo; Experimental)
W. Hume-Rothery,The Structures of Alloys of Iron, Pergamon Press, New York, NY, 121 (1966). (MetaPhases; Review)
T.Z. Kattamis and M.C. Flemings, “Dendrite Structure and Grain Size of Undercooled Melts,”Trans. Metall Soc. AIME, 236,1523- 1532 (1966). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
R.G. McQueen and S.P. Marsh, “Shock Wave Compression of Iron-Nickel Alloys and the Earth’s Core,”J. Geophys.Res.,71,1751- 1756 (1966). (Pressure; Experimental)
M. Onillon and M. Olette, “Determination of the Thermodynamic Functions for Dilute Solutions of Nickel in Liquid Iron,”C. R. Acad. Sci (Paris) C, 263,1122–1125 (1966) in French. (Thermo; Experimental)
S.S. Shinozaki and A. Arrott, “Electronic Specific Heat of Dilute Alloys:Fe(Ti), Fe(V), Fe(Cr), Fe(Mn), Fe(Co), Fe(Ni), Fe(Al), Fe(Si), Fe(Mo), Fe(W), and Ag(Au),”Phys. Rev.,152, 611–622 (1966). (Thermo; Experimental)
G.R. Belton and R.J. Frueham, “The Determination of Activities by Mass Spectroscopy. I. The Liquid Metallic Systems Iron-Nickel and Iron Cobalt,”J. Phys. Chem.,71,1403–1409 (1967). (Thermo; Experimental)
M. Hillert, T. Wade, and H. Wada, “The Alpha-Gamma Equilibrium in Fe-Mn, Fe-Mo, Fe-Ni, Fe-Sb, Fe-Sn and Fe-W Systems,”J. Iron Steellnst.,539-546 (1967). (Equi Diagram; Theory)
O. Kubaschewski and L.E.H. Stuart, “Heats of Formation and Heat Capacities in the System Iron-Nickel-Chromium,”J. Chem. Eng. Data, 12,418–420 (1967). (Thermo; Experimental)
M. J. Roberts and W.S. Owen, “The Strength of Martensitic Iron- Nickel Alloys,”Trans. ASM, 60,687–692 (1967). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J.S. Kouvel and J.B. Comly, “Magnetic Equation of State for Nickel Near its Curie Point,”Phys. Rev. Lett.,20,1237–1239 (1968). (Magnetism; Experimental)
T. Takahashi, WA. Bassett, and H.K. Mao, “Isothermal Compression of the Alloys of Iron up to 300 Kilobars at Room Temperature:Iron-Nickel Alloys,”J. Geophys. Res.,73, 4717–4725 (1968). (Pressure; Experimental)
H. Asano, “Magnetism of Gamma Fe-Ni Invar Alloys with Low Nickel Concentration,”J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,27(3), 542–533 (1969). (Crys Structure, Magnetism; Experimental)
M.T. Kusho, V.F. Balakirev, R.Yu. Dobrovinskii, G.M. Popov, A.N. Men, and G.I. Chufarov, “The Activities of the Components of Solid Solutions in the System Nickel-Iron-Oxygen,”Zh. Fiz Khim.,43,3095–3098 (1969) in Russian;TR-.Russ.J. Phys. Chem.,43,1739- 1740 (1969). (Thermo; Experimental)
R.P. Reed and R.E. Schramm, “Lattice Parameters of Martensite and Austenite inFe-Ni Alloys,”J. Appl Phys.,40,3453–3458 (1969). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
R.E. Staub and J.L. McCall “Metallographic Studies of an Iron- Nickel Meteorite Following Long-Time Heat Treatments,”Proc. of the 2nd Annual Technical Meeting, Sept. 8–10,1969 SanFrancisco International Metallographic Society, 337–344 (1969). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
C. Gatellier, D. Henriet, and M. Olette, “Determination of the Thermodynamic Activities of the Constituents of Solid Fe-Ni Alloys by the Electrochemical Method,”Compt. Rend.,271,453–460 (1970) in French. (Thermo; Experimental)
Y Grosand and J.J. Pauleve, “Mössbauer Effect Study of Order in a 50–50 Fe-Ni Alloy Irradiated by Neutrons or Electrons,”J. Phys.,31,459–470 (1970) in French. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
B. Predel and R. Mohs, “Thermodynamic Investigations of the Fe-Ni and Fe-Co Systems,”Arch Eisenhüttenwes.,41,143–149 (1970) in German. (Thermo; Experimental)
B. Predel and R. Mohs, “ANew High Temperature Calorimeter and its Application to the Determination of the Mixing Enthalpy of Liquid Cobalt-Nickel Alloys,”Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,41, 61–66 (1970) in German. (Thermo; Experimental)
I.Y. Georgiyeva and O.P. Maksimora, “On the Interrelation Between Kinetics and Structure During Martensitic Transformations,”Fiz. Met. Metalloved.,32,364–376 (1971) in Russian; TR:Phys. Met. Metallogr.,32(2), 135-146(1971). (MetaPhases; Experimental)
G. Hausen and H. Warlimont, “Structural Inhomogeneity in FeNi Invar Alloys Studied by Electron Diffraction,”Phys. Lett. A, 36, 415–416(1971). (MetaPhases; Experimental)
P.J. Spencer, F.H. Hayes, and L. Elford, “Relationships Between Binary and Ternary Properties, ACalorimetric Investigation of the Fe-Co-Ni System,” in Chemical Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, Proc. Int. Symp., London, 1971, The Iron and Steel Institute, 322–326 (1973). (Thermo; Experimental)
Y Tozaki, Y.I. Iguchi, S. Ban-ya, and T. Fuwa, “Heatof Mixing of Iron Alloys,” in Chemical Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, Proc. Int. Symp., London, 1971, The Iron and Steel Institute, 130–132 (1973). (Thermo; Experimental)
LSh. Tsemekhman, S.E. Vaisburd, and Z.F. Shirokova, “Activities in Iron-Nickel, Iron-Cobalt, and Nickel-Cobalt Binary Melts,”Zh Fiz Khim.,45,2074–2077 (1971) in Russian; TR:Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 45,1176-1177 (1971). (Thermo; Experimental)
Y Calvayrac and M. Fayard, “Behavior of Iron-Nickel Alloys Around the Composition 75-25 in the Neighborhood of the Order- Disorder Transformation Temperature,”Mater. Res. Bull, 7,891–901 (1972) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
H. Davies and W.W. Smeltzer, “Oxygen and Metal Activities of the Iron-Nickel-Oxygen System at 1000 °C,”J. Electrochem. Soc.,19, 1362–1368(1972). (Thermo; Experimental)
K.C. Mills, K. Kinoshita, and P. Grieveson, “A Thennodynamic Study of liquid Iron and Nickel Alloys Using Electromagnetic Lévitation,”J. Chem. Thermodyn.,4,581–590 (1972). (Thermo; Experimental)
RJ. Weiss, “The Invar Effect,”Philos. Mag.,26(1), 261–263 (1972). (Meta Phases; Theory)
J.W. Cable and E.O. Wollan, “Magnetic Moment Distribution in NiFe and AuFe Alloys,”Phys. Rev. B, 7, 2005–2016 (1973). (Magnetism; Experimental)
Y. Calvayrac and M. Fayard, “Structural State and Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline Ni3:inFe Alloys,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 17,407–421 (1973). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
L. Kaufman and H. Nesor, “Calculation of the Binary Phase Diagrams of Iron, Chromium, Nickel and Cobalt,”Z. Metallkd.,64, 249–257(1973). (Thermo; Experimental)
T.G. Kollie and C.R. Brooks, “The Heat Capacity of Ni3Fe,”Phys. StatusSolidi(a), 19,545 (1973). (Thermo; Experimental)
T. Mizoguchi, K. Yamauchi, and H. Miyajima, “Ferromagnetism of Amorphous Iron Alloys,” inAmorphous Magnetism, H.O. Hooper and A.M. deGraaf, Ed., Plenum Press, 325–330 (1973). (Meta Phases, Magnetism; Experimental)
W.F. Schlosser, “Thermodynamics of an Invar Alloy,”Int. J. Magn.,4,49–55 (1973). (Thermo; Theory)
MI. Baskes, “Phase Stability of Iron Alloys,”Mater. Sci. Eng.,15,195–202(1974).(Thermo; Theory;#)
G.I. Batalin, N.N. Mineko, and VS. Sundavtsova, “Enthalpy of Mixing and Thermody namic Properties of Liquid Alloys of Iron with Manganese, Cobalt, and Nickel,”Izv.AkadNaukSSSR,MeL, (5), 99–104 (1974) in Russian; TR-.Russ. Metall, (5), 82–86 (1974). (Thermo; Experimental)
N.S. Golosov and B.V. Dudka, “Computer Modeling of the Order-Disorder Transformation in Q13AU and Ni3Fe,”Phys. Status Solidi (b), 66,439–448 (1974). (Meta Phases; Theory)
G. Inden, “Ordering and Segregation Reactions in B.C.C. Binary Alloys,”Acta Metall.,22,945–951 (1974). (Thermo; Theory)
M. Nishi, Y. Nakai, and N. Kunitomi, “Magnetic Moments in Fe- Ni Alloys,”J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,37, 570 (1974). (Magnetism; Experimental)
M.V. Rao and W. A. Tiller, “The Systems Fe-Cr and Fe-Ni:Thermochemistry and Phase Equilibria,”Mater. Sci. Eng.,14, 47–54 (1974). (Thermo; Theory; #)
M. Umemoto and W.S. Owen, “Effects of Austenitizing Temperature and Austenite Grain Size on the Formation of Athermal Martensite in an Iron-Nickel-Carbon Alloy,”Metall. Trans.,5,2041–2046 (1974). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J. Vrestel, A. Pokorna, and K. Stransky, “Determination of Thermodynamic Activities of Components in the Iron-Nickel System at T = 1509 K,”KovovéMater., 1,3–9 (Thermo; Experimental)
L. Billard and A. Chamberod, “On the Dissymmetry of Mössbauer Spectra in Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Solid State Commun.,17, 113–118 (1975). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
G. Inden, “Determination of Chemical and Magnetic Interchange Energies in BCC Alloys,”Z. Metallkd, 66,577–582(1975). (Magnetism; Theory)
M. Lebienvenue and B. Dubois, “Study of the Order-Disorder Transformation in Ni3Fe by Measurement of Internal Friction,”C.R. Acad Sci. (Paris) C, 280,1251–1253 (1975) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
C.C. Trinel-Dufour and M.P. Perrot, “Activities of the Constituents of Fe-Ni Alloys Determined by Equilibrium Measurements in the Presence of an Oxide Phase,”C.R. Acad. Sci. (Paris) C, 281, 589–592 (1975) in French. (Thermo; Experimental)
A.D. Dalvi and R. Sridhar, “Thermodynamics of the Fe-Ni-O and Fe-Ni Systems at 1065 Kto 1380 K,”Can Metall Q.,25(4), 349–357 (1976). (Thermo; Experimental)
D. Robinson and B.B. Argent, “Thermodynamics of Dilute Solutions of the First-Period Transition Elements in Iron,”Met. Sci, 10,219–221 (1976). (Thermo; Experimental)
Y. Inokuti and B. Cantor, “Splat-Quenched Fe-Ni Alloys,”Scr. Metall, 10,655–659 (1976). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
E. J. Grimsey and A.K. Biswas, “The Activity of Iron in Low-Iron Liquid (Ni+Au+Fe) and Solid (Ni+Fe) Alloys at 1573 K,”J. Chem. Thermodyn.,9,415–422 (1977). (Thermo; Experimental)
77Has: M Hasebe and T. Nishizawa, “Analysis and Synthesis of Phase Diagrams of the Fe-Cr-Ni, Fe-Cu-Mn and Fe-Cu-Ni Systems,” Applications of Phase Diagrams in Metallurgy and Ceramics, Nat. Bur. Stds. SP-496, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington,DC, 1977. (Thermo; Experimental)
H. Huthmann, “Factors Influencing Chemical and Magnetic Ordering Transformations in F.C.C. Iron-Nickel Alloys,” thesis, Tech. Univ., Aachen (1977) in German. (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)
O. Kubaschewski, K.H. Geiger, and K. Hack, “The Thermochemical Properties of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Z. Metallkd.,68,337- 341 (1977) in German. (Thermo; Experimental)
L.N. Larikov and Y.V. Vsov, “Thermal Properties of Fe-Ni Alloys,”Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, Metallofiz.,68,3–14 (1977) in Russian. (Thermo; Theory ;#)
A.P. Miodownik, “The Calculation of Magnetic Contributions to Phase Stability,”Calphad, 1,133–158 (1977). (Magnetism; Theory)
K. Ono, Y. Veda, Y. Yamaguchi, and J. Moriyama, “Thermodynamic Study of Fe-Ni Solid Solution,”Trans. Jpn. Inst. Met.,18, 610–616 (1977). (Thermo; Experimental)
J.F. Pctersen, A Aydin, and J.M. Knudsen, “Mössbauer Spectroscopy of an Ordered Phase (Superstructure) of FeNi in an Iron Meteorite,”Phys. Lett. A, 62, 192–194 (1977). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
A.L. Roitburd, “Predominant Effect of the Internal Stress Relaxation on Microstructural and Kinetic Features of Martensitic Transformation,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 40,333–342 (1977). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
J.F. Albertsen, G.B. Jensen, and J.M. Knudsen, “Structure of Taenite in Two Meteorites,”Nature, 273, 453–454 (1978). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
J.F. Albertsen, M. Aydin, and J.M. Knudsen, “Mössbauer Effect Studies of Taenite Lamelle of Iron Meteorite Cape York (III.A),”Phys. Scr.,17,467–472 (1978). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
A. Chamberod, M. Roth, and L. Billard, “Small Angle Scattering in Invar Alloys,”J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,7,101–103 (1978). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
B.R. Conrad, T.S. McAneney, and R. Sridhan, “Thermodynamics of Iron-Nickel Alloys by Mass Spectroscopy,”Metall Trans. B,9,463–468 (1978). (Mete Phases, Thermo; Experimental)
G. Galeczki and A.A. Hirsch, “Gamma Phase Dispersions in Fe- Ni Alloys Below the Critical Concentration,”J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,7110–112 (1978). (Mete Phases; Experimental)
M. Hillcrt, “Prediction of Iron-Base Diagram,”in Hardenability Concepts with Applications to Steel, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, Pa, 5- 27 (1978). (Thermo; Theory)
A. Katsuki, “Physics and Applications of Invar Alloys,” Honda Memorial Series on Materials Science No. 3 (1978). (Mete Phases, Thermo, Magnetism; Review)
N. Maruyama and S. Ban-ya, “Measurements of Activities in Liquid Fe-Ni, Fe-Co, and Ni-Co Alloys by a Transportation Method,”J. Inst. Met. Jpn.,42, 992–999 (1978) in Japanese. (Thermo; Experimental)
J. Agren, “A Thermodynamic Analysis of the Fe-C and Fe-Ni Phase Diagram,”Metall. Trans. A, 10,1847–1852 (1979). (Thermo; Theory)
O. Bostanjoglo, U. Heinecke, and R. Liedtke, “Possible Stabilization of Amorphous FeNi Films by Conduction Electrons,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 56, 569–572 (1979). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
A. Chamberod, J. Laugier, and J.M. Penisson, “Electron Irradiation Effects on Iron-Nickel Invar Alloys,”J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,10, 139–144 (1979). (Meta Phases; Experimental; #)
M.C. Desjonqueres and M. Lavanga, “Effects of Order on the Electronic Structure of Ferromagnetic Transition Metal Alloys: Application to FeCo and Ni3Fe,”J. Phys. F, Met Phys.,9,1733–1743 (1979). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
J.M. Larrain and H.H. Kellogg, “Use of Chemical Species for Correlation of Solution Properties,”in Calculation of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry of Alloy Phases, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 130–144 (1979). (Thermo; Theory; #)
L.S. Lin, J.I. Goldstein, and D.B. Williams, “Analytical Electron Microscopy Study of the Plessite Structure in Four III CD Iron Meteorites,”Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 43,725–737 (1979). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
M. Matsui and K. Adachi, “Low Temperature Structure of Fe-Ni Alloys,”J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,10,152–154 (1979). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
E.R.D. Scott and R.S. Clarke, “Identification of Clear Taenite in Meteorites as Ordered FeNi,”Nature, 281, 360–362 (1979). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
M. Shimizu, “Origin of the Anomalies and Thermodynamic Aspects of Iron-Nickel Invar Alloys,”J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,10, 231–235 (1979). (MetaPhases; Theory)
Y. Tanji, Y. Nakagawa, Y. Saito, K. Nishimura, and K, Nakatzuka, “Anomalous Thermodynamic Properties of Iron-Nickel (F.C.C.) Alloys,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 56,513–519 (1979). (Ther-mo; Experimental)
J.M. Larrain, “High Temperature Thermodynamic Properties of Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Calphad, 4,155–171 (1980). (Thermo; Theory; #)
S. Mehta, P.M. Novotny, D.B. Williams, and J.I. Goldstein, “Electron-Optical Observations of Ordered Fe-Ni in the Estherville Meteorite,”Nature, 284,151–153 (1980). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
A.D. Romig and J.I. Goldstein, “Determination of the Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-P Phase Diagrams at Low Temperatures (700 to 300 °C),”Metall Trans. A, 11,1151–1159(1980). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
J.K Van Deen and F. Van der Woude, “Phase Diagram of the Order-Disorder Transition in Ni3Fe,”J. Phys.,41, C1–367–C1–368 (1980). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
G. Bordin, G.C. Cecchi, and G.B. Fratucello, “Remarks on the Martensitic Transformation in Some Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Nuovo Cimento B, 61,338–346 (1981). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
Y. Iguchi, Y. Tozaki, M. Kakizaki, T. Fuwa, and S. Ban-ya, “A Calorimetric Study of Heat of Mixing of Liquid Iron Alloys,”J. Iron Steel Inst. Jpn.,67, 925–932 (1981) in Japanese. (Thermo; Experimental)
G. Imrich-Swartz and H. Gamsjager, “Computer-Supported Evaluation of the Gibbs-Duhem Equation,”Ber Hüttenmann. Monatsh.,126,275–277(1981) in German. (Thermo; Theory)
S. Lefebvre, F. Bleu, M. Fayard, and M. Roth, “Neutron Diffuse Scattering Investigation of Different States of Local Order in62Nio.765Feo.235,”Acta Metall, 29,749–761 (1981). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
T. Nishizawa and M. Hasebe, “Computer Calculation of Phase Diagrams of Iron Alloys,”J. Iron Steel Inst. Jpn.,67, 2086–2097 (1981) in Japanese. (Thermo; Theory;#)
W. Rammensee and D.G. Fraser, “Activities in Solid and Liquid Fe-Ni and Fe-Co Alloys Determined by Knudsen Cell Mass Spectrometry,”Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem, 85, 558–592 (1981). (Thermo; Experimental)
B. Sundman, “A Computer Program for Optimizing Parameters in Thermodynamic Model,” R. Inst. Stockhohn, Sweden, Rep. D28 (1981). (Thermo; Theory)
J.K. Van Deen and F. Van der Woude, “Phase Diagram of the Order-Disorder Transition in Ni3Fe,”Acta Metall, 29, 1255–1262 (1981). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
P.J. Brofman and G.S. Asell, “On The Morphology of Martensite in Fe-27 Ni Alloys,”Proc. Int Conf. on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1373–1377 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
C.R. Brooks, P.J. Meschter, and T.G. Kollie, “The Magnetic Heat Capacity of the Configurationally Disordered Ni-25 at% Fe Alloy,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 73,189–198 (1982). (Thermo; Experimental)
T.G. Chart, D.D. Gohil, and Z.S. Xing, “Calculated Phase Equilibria for the Cu-Ni-Fe System,”NPL Rep. DMA(A) 54, National Physical Laboratory, Middlesex, UK, Aug (1982). (Thermo; Theory;#)
F. Duflos and B. Cantor, “The Microstructure and Kinetics of Martensite Transformation in Splat-Quenched Fe and Fe-Ni Alloys-I. Pure Fe,”Acta Metall.,30, 323–342 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J.I. Goldstein and D.B. Williams, “Low Temperature Phase Transformations in the Metallic Phases of Meteorites,”Proc. Int Conf. on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 715–719 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
R.A Jago, P.E. Clark, and P.L. Rossiter, “The Santa Catharina Meteorite and the Equilibrium State of Fe-Ni Alloys,”Phys. Status Solidi (a), 74,247–254 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
O. Kubaschewski,Iron Binary Phase Diagrams, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 73–78 (1982). (Equi Diagram; Review)
J. Orehotsky, J.B. Sousa, and M.F. Pinheiro, “Critical Behavior in Ni3Fe and Ni3Mn,”J. Appl. Phys.,53, 7939–7941 (1982). (Equi Diagram, Magnetism; Experimental)
JJ. Rayment, O. Ashira, and B. Cantor, “The As-Quenched Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Fe-25 wt.% Ni,”Proc. Int. Conf. Solid-Solid Phase Transformations, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1385–1389 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
JJ. Rhyne, “Magnetic Transition Temperatures of the Elements,”Bull Alloy Phase Diagrams, 3, 402 (1982). (Magnetism; Review)
A. Rodrigues, C. Prioul, J. Plusquellec, and P. Y. Azou, “The Effects of Carbon and Time-Related Parameters on the Reheat Martensite Transformations in Fe-Ni-C Alloys at Subzero Temperatures,” Proc. Int. Conf. Solid-Solid Phase Transformations, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA 1391–1395 (1982). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
J. Velisek, “Correlation of Selected Thermodynamic and Phase Dato in the Fe-Ni System,”.Kovové Mater.,20, 257–265 (1982). (Thermo; Theory;#)
G.J. Abbaschian and M.C Flemings, “Supercooling and Structure of Levitation Melted Fe-Ni Alloys,”Metall Trans. A, 14,1147- 1157 (1983). (MetaPhases; Experimental)
D.S. Kamenetskaya, O.P. Maksimora, and V.l. Shiryayev, “Features of the Martensite Transformation in High Purity Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Fiz. Met. Metalloved, 55 (5), 967–972 (1983) in Russian; TR:Phys. Met. Metallogr.,55 (5), 121–127 (1983). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
A. Sen Gupta and B.K. Banarjee, “High Temperature X-ray Study of Some Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Indian J. Phys. A, 57,196–199 (1983). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
G. Bordin, G.C. Cecchi, and I. Montanari, “Some Transport Properties in Martensitic Iron—Nickel Alloys,”Nuovo Cimento D, 3(2), 436–446(1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
P. Cenedese, F. Bley, and S. Lefebvre, “Atomic Short Range Order in a Fe-Ni Invar Alloy,”Phase Transformations in Solids, Mater. Res. Symp. Proa, T. Tsakalakos, Ed., North-Holland, New York, 351–353 (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
P.D. Desai and M.S. Desphande, “Thermodynamic Properties of Nickel,”CINDAS Rep. 80, Purdue University, Layfayette, IN, Aug (1984). (Thermo; Review)
AM. Gorovol, A.I. Ushakov, V.G. Kazakov, Yu.L Raodionov, and V.N. Goloborod’ko, “The Approach to the Equilibrium State in Filmsoflron—Nickel Alloys,”Fix. Met Metalloved.,58(1), 113–118 (1984) in Russian. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
EA. Izmailov, “The TransformationofMartensite into Austenite in Iron-Nickel Alloys,”Fiz. Met Metalloved.,58(1), 39–97 (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
S. Lefebvre, F. Bley, and P. Cenedese, “Determination of Short Range Order Parameters in62Nio.765Feo.235 at 600 °C Effect of a Quench,”Phase Transformations in Solids, Mater. Res. Symp. Proa, T. Tsakalakos, Ed.,North-Holland, New York, 351–353 (1984). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
H. Miura, S. Isa, K. Omuro, “Production of Amorphous Iron— Nickel Based Alloys by Flame-Spray Quenching and Coatings on Metal Substrates,”Trans. Jpn. Inst. Met, 25(4), 284–291 (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
O.S. Rinkevich and V. ZePdovich, “An Analysis of the Growth Kinetics of New Austenite Grains During the Alpha-Gamma Transformation in an Iron-Nickel Alloy,”Fiz. Met. Metalloved.,58(1), 142- 148 (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
P.L. Rossiterand R.A. Jago, “Towards a True Fe-Ni Phase Diagram,”Phase Transformation in Solids, Mater. Res. Symp. Proa, T. Tsakalakos, Ed.,409–411, North Holland, New York (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental; #)
P.L. Rossiter and PJ. Lawrence, “Phase Transformations in Fe- Ni Invar Alloys,”Philos. Mag. A, 49(4), 535–546 (1984). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
H. Yamauchi and S. Radelaar, “Cu-Ni-Fe Coherent Phase Diagram,”TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA(1984). (Meta Phases; Theory)
Y.Y. Chuang, R. Schmid, and Y.A. Chang, “Magnetic Contributions to the Thermodynamic Functions of Pure Ni, Co, and Fe,”Metall Trans.A,16,153–165 (1985). (Thermo; Theory)
Y.Y. Chuang, Y.A. Chang, and R. Schmid, “Magnetic Contribution to the Thermodynamic Functions of Alloys and the Phase Diagram of Fe-Ni System Below 1200 K,”Metall Trans. A, 16,153- 165 (1985). (Meta Phases, Thermo; Theory)
J. Tomiska and A. Neckel, “Thermodynamic Investigation of Fe-Ni Alloys:Mass Spectrometric Determination of Thermodynamic Mixing Effects and Calculation of the Melting Diagram,”Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem.,89,1104–1109 (1985). (Equi Diagram; Thermo; Experimental)
Y.Y. Chuang, K.C. Hsieh, and YA. Chang, “A Thermodynamic Analysis of the Phase Equilibrium of the Fe-Ni System Above 1200 K,”Metall. Trans. A, 17, 1373–1379 (1986). (Meta Phases; Theory)
Y.Y. Chuang, YA. Chang, R. Schmid, and J.C. Lin, “Magnetic Contributions to the Thermodynamic Functions of Alloys and the Phase Equilibria of Fe-Ni System below 1200 K,”Metall Trans. A, 17,1361–1371 (1986). (Meta Phases; Equi Diagram; Theory)
K.B. Reuter, D.B. Williams, and J.I. Goldstein, “Determination of the Fe-Ni Phase Diagram Below 400 °C,”Metall Trans. A, 20,719- 724 (1989). (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases; Experimental)