The Effect of Growth Regulators and a Biostimulator on the Health Status, Yield and Yield Components of Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.)
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In this study, the influence of potato cultivars Irga, Satina, Valfi, Blaue St. Galler and Highland Burgundy Red (HB Red), growth regulators: Bio-Algeen S‑90, Kelpak SL and Trifender WP, and the biostimulator Asahi SL on the health status of potato plants and tuber yield was investigated. The severity of late blight and early blight was estimated during the growing season. After harvest, potato tuber yield was determined according to size fractions. The applied treatments significantly reduced the severity of late blight in cv. Irga (Kelpak SL), Valfi (Bio-Algeen S-90, Kelpak SL, Trifender WP) and Blaue St. Galler (Trifender WP) in 2013. In 2015, the symptoms of early blight were significantly reduced in cv. Irga after the application of all tested bioregulators. HB Red was characterized by the best health status among the evaluated cultivars. Kelpak SL and Bio-Algeen S-90 increased the tuber yield of cvs. Irga and HB Red, respectively, in 2013, and Trifender WP increased the tuber yield of cv. Satina in 2014. In the first year of the study, the applied growth regulators and biostimulator significantly increased the percentage of medium-sized tubers of cv. Blaue St. Galler, and Bio-Algeen S-90 increased the percentage of medium-sized tubers of cv. HB Red.
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