The Effect of Environmental Responsibility on Green Consumption Intention: The Moderator Role of Price Sensitivity and the Mediator Role of Environmental Concern. A Case Study in Turkey
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Trang 1-26 - 2023
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The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of environmental responsibility on green consumption intention, the mediating role of environmental concern and the moderator role of price sensitivity in this relationship. Much research has focused mainly on the determinants of green consumption in recent years. An online questionnaire was prepared through Google Forms to collect data and a total of 418 responses were received. The data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows 25.0 and 23.0. Path analysis, mediation role and moderator effect were analyzed in line with the model. Results suggest that environmental responsibility has been an important factor affecting both green consumption intention and environmental concern. Environmental concern does not have a mediating role in the relationship between environmental responsibility and green consumption intention. Lastly, price sensitivity plays a moderator role both in the relationship between environmental responsibility and green consumption intention and between environmental concern and green consumption intention.
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