The ERICA Tool

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity - Tập 99 Số 9 - Trang 1371-1383 - 2008
Justin Brown1, B. Alfonso2, R. Avila2, N. A. Beresford3, D. Copplestone4, G. Pröhl5, A. Ulanovsky5
1Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Department of Emergency Preparedness and Environmental Radioactivity, Grini næringspark 13, Postbox 55, No-1332 Østeras, Norway
2Facilia AB Gustavslundsvägen 151C, 167 51 Bromma, Sweden
3Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, CEH-Lancaster, Lancaster Environment Centre, Library Avenue, Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4AP, UK
4Environment Agency, Richard Fairclough House, Knutsford Road, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 1HG, UK
5GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit, GmbH, Ingolstädter Landstraße 1, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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