The COSMO-Ru system of nonhydrostatic mesoscale short-range weather forecasting of the Hydrometcenter of Russia: The second stage of implementation and development

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology - Tập 40 Số 6 - Trang 400-410 - 2015
Г. С. Ривин1, I. A. Rozinkina1, R. M. Vil’fand1, D. Yu. Alferov1, E. D. Astakhova1, D. V. Blinov1, A. Yu. Bundel1, E. V. Kazakova1, A. A. Kirsanov1, М. А. Никитин1, Veniamin Perov1, Galina Surkova1, Anastasia Revokatova1, Marina Shatunova1, M.M. Chumakov1
1Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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