The BABAR detector
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Tài liệu tham khảo
PEP-II — An asymmetric B Factory, Conceptual Design Report, SLAC-418, LBL-5379, 1993.
The BABAR Collaboration, Letter of Intent for the study of CP violation and heavy flavor physics at PEP-II, SLAC-443, 1994.
BABAR Technical Design Report, SLAC-R-457, 1995.
P.F. Harrison, H.R. Quinn (Eds.), The BABAR Physics Book, Physics at an asymmetric B factory, SLAC-R-504, 1998.
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Proceedings of the Workshop on Physics and Detector Issues for a High Luminosity Asymmetric B Factory at SLAC, SLAC-373, 1991.
T. Glanzman, et al., The BABAR prompt reconstruction system, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High Energy Physics, Chicago, USA, 1998; F. Safai Tehrani, Comput. Phys. Comm. 140 (2001) 56.
J. Seeman, et al., The PEP-II storage rings, SLAC-PUB-8786, Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 2002, to be submitted.
J. Seeman, et al., Status Report on PEP-II Performance, Proceedings of the Seventh European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2000), Vienna, Austria, 2000.
M. Sullivan, B-factory interaction region designs, Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC97), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1997, SLAC-PUB-7563.
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T. Mattison, et al., Background measurements during PEP-II commissioning, Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC99), New York, NY, USA, 1999.
C. Hast, et al., Report of the high-luminosity background task force, BABAR Note 522, 2000.
T.I. Meyer, et al., Contribution to DPF 2000, Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society, Columbus, OH, USA, 2000.
A. Onuchin, et al., Magnetic field calculation in the BABAR detector, BABAR Note 344, 1996.
L. Keller, et al., Magnetic field calculation in the BABAR detector, BABAR Note 370, 1997.
A. Boyarski, et al., Field measurements in the BABAR Solenoid, BABAR Note 514, 2000.
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L. Bosisio, INFN Trieste, Italy, private communication.
J. Beringer, et al., The data transmission system for the BABAR silicon vertex tracker, BABAR Note 518, 2000.
R. Claus, et al., SLAC-PUB-8134, 1999.
J. Albert, et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-46 (1999) 2027; A. Bouchan, et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 409 (1998) 46; G. Sciolla, et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 419 (1998) 310.
Y. Karyotakis, D. Boutigny, LAPP Annecy, France, private communication.
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D.N. Brown, E.A. Charles, D.A. Roberts, The BABAR track fitting algorithm, Proceedings of CHEP 2000, Padova, Italy, 2000.
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I. Adam, et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-45 (3) (1998) 657; I. Adam, et al., ibid 450; J. Cohen-Tanugi, M.C. Convery, B.N. Ratcliff, X. Sarazin, J. Schwiening, J. Va'vra, SLAC-JOURNAL-ICFA Vol. 21, p. 20, ICFA Instrumentation Bulletin, 2000.
J. Ardelean, et al., LAL-RT-97-04, 1997.
I. Adam, et al., Operation of the Cherenkov Detector DIRC of BABAR at High Luminosity, SLAC-PUB-8783 (2001).
T. Swarnicki, Performance of the CLEO-II CsI(Tl) calorimeter, Proceedings of Workshop on B Factories, Stanford, CA, USA, 1992.
G. Dahlinger, Aufbau und Test eines Kalorimeter-Prototyps aus CsI(Tl) zur Energie- und Ortsmessung hochenergetischer Photonen, Ph.D. Thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, 1998.
J. Brose, G. Dahlinger, K.R. Schubert, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 417 (1998) 311; C. Jessop, et al., Development of front end readout for the BABAR CsI(Tl) calorimeter, BABAR Note 216, 1995; C. Jessop, et al., Development of direct readout for CsI calorimeter, BABAR Note 270, 1995.
J. Harris, C. Jessop, Performance tests of Hamamatsu 2774-08 diodes for the BABAR electromagnetic calorimeter front end readout and proposal for reliability issues, BABAR Note 236, 1995.
C. Jessop, Reliability issues for the BABAR CsI(Tl) calorimeter front end readout, BABAR Note 217, 1995.
S. Menke, Offline correction of non-linearities in the BABAR electromagnetic calorimeter, BABAR Note 527, 2000.
F. Gaede, D. Hitlin, M. Weaver, The radioactive source calibration of the BABAR electromagnetic calorimeter, BABAR Note 531, 2001; J. Button-Shafer, et al., Use of radioactive photon sources with the BABAR electromagnetic calorimeter, BABAR Note 322, 1996.
R. Müller-Pfefferkorn, Die Kalibration des elektromagnetischen CsI(Tl)-Kalorimeters des BABAR-Detektors mit Ereignissen der Bhabha-Streuung, Ph.D. Thesis, TUD-IKTP/01-01, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, 2001.
GEANT Detector description and simulation tool, CERN Program Library, Long Writeup W5013, 1994.
S. Menke, et al., Calibration of the BABAR electromagnetic calorimeter with π0s, BABAR Note 528, 2000.
J. Bauer, Kinematic fit for the EMC radiative Bhabha calibration, BABAR Note 521, 2000.
M. Kocian, Das Lichtpulsersystem des elektromagnetischen CsI(Tl)-Kalorimeters des BABAR-Detektors, Ph.D. Thesis, TUD-IKTP/00-03, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, 2000.
P.J. Clark, The BABAR light pulser system, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, UK, 2000; B. Lewandowski, Entwicklung und Aufbau eines Lichtpulsersystems für das Kalorimeter des BABAR-Detektors, Ph.D. Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, 2000.
S. Otto, Untersuchungen zur Ortsrekonstruktion electromagnetischer Schauer, Diplomarbeit, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, 2000.
A. Calcaterra, et al., Performance of the BABAR RPCs in a cosmic ray test, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Naples, Italy, 1997.
N. Cavallo, et al., Nucl. Phys. B(Proc. Suppl.) 61B (1998) 545; N. Cavallo, et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 409 (1998) 297.
G. Crosetti, et al., Data acquisition system for the RPC detector of BABAR experiment, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Naples, Italy, 1997.
J. Christiansen, 32-Channel TDC with on-chip buffering and trigger matching, Proceedings of Electronics for LHC experiments, London, UK (1997) 333; S. Minntoli, E. Robutti, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-47 (2000) 147.
L. Lista, Object oriented reconstruction software for the IFR detector of BABAR Experiment, Proceedings of the Conference on Computing in High Energy Physics, Padova, Italy, 2000.
A. Berenyi, et al., Nuclear Science Symposium, Conference Record, Vol. 2, 1998, p. 988.
P.D. Dauncey, et al., Design and Performance of the Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger for the BABAR Detector, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-48 (2001) 541.
R. Claus, et al., Development of a data acquisition system for the BABAR CP violation experiment, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE NPSS RealTime Conference, Santa Fe, NM, USA (1999),
P. Grosso, et al., The BABAR fast control system, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High-Energy Physics, Chicago, IL, USA, 1998.
Internet documentation including all RFCs (Requests for Comment) are available online from the Internet Engineering Task Force,
T.J. Pavel, et al., Network performance testing for the BABAR event builder, Proceedings of the CHEP Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 1998.
S. Metzler, et al., Distributed histogramming, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High Energy Physics, Chicago, IL, USA, 1998.
T. Johnson, Java analysis studio, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High Energy Physics, Padova, Italy, 2000.
T. Meyer, R. McKay, The BABAR General Monitoring Board, BABAR Note 366, 1998.
C. Gaspar, M. Donszelman, DIM — a distributed information management system for the DELPHI experiment at CERN, Proceedings of the IEEE Eighth Conference on Real-Time Computer Applications in Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Vancouver, Canada, 1993.
G. Zioulas, et al., Ambient and configuration databases for the BABAR online system, Proceedings of the IEEE Real Time Conference, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 1999.
I. Gaponenko, et al., An overview of the BABAR conditions database, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High Energy Physics, Padova, Italy, 2000.