The Au−Si (Gold-Silicon) system

H. Okamoto1, T. B. Massalski1
1Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA

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1897Vig: E. Vigouroux, “Silicon and Silicious Metals”,Ann. Chim. Phys., 12, 170–171 (1897) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

20Dic: C. diCapua, “Gold Silicon Alloys”,Rend. Accad. Nazl. Lincei, 29, 111–114 (1920) in Italian. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

29Los: W. Loskiewicz, “Cementation of Copper, Silver and Gold by Beryllium, Silicon and Boron”,Przeglad Gorniczo-Hutniczy, 21, 583–611 (1929); abstract inJ. Inst. Met., 47, 516–517 (1931). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

32Los: L. Loskiewicz, “Some Results Obtained by the Method of Concentration on the Cu−Ge, Cu−Si, Ag−Si, Ag−Ge, Au−Ge and Au−Si Alloys”,Chim. Industrie, 27(5), 1078 (1932) in French. (Meta Phases; Experimental)

33Jet: E. R. Jette and E. B. Gebert, “An X-Ray Study of the Binary Alloys of Silicon with Ag, Au, Pb, Sn, Zn, Cd, Sb and Bi”,J. Chem. Phys., 1(11), 753–755 (1933). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)

54Bur: J. A. Burton, “Impurity Centers in Ge and Si”,Physica, 20, 854–854 (1954). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

54Str: J. D. Struthers, private communication to [54Bur]. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

56Str: J. D. Struthers, “Solubility and Diffusivity of Gold, Iron and Copper in Silicon”,J. Appl. Phys., 27(12), 1560 (1956). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

Indicates key paper.57Col: C. B. Collins, R. O. Carlson, and C. J. Gallagher, “Properties of Gold-Doped Silicon”,Phys. Rev., 105(4), 1168–1173 (1957). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)

57Hal: R. N. Hall, “Variation of the Distribution Coefficient and Solid Solubility with Temperature”,J. Phys. Chem. Sol., 3(1), 63–73 (1957). (Thermo; Theory)

60Bol: B. I. Boltaks, G. S. Kulikov, and R. Sh. Malkovich, “Electrical Transport of Gold in Silicon”,Fiz. Tverd. Tela., 2, 2395–2399 (1960) in Russian; TR:Sov. Phys.-Solid State, 2, 2134–2137 (1960). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

Indicates key paper.60Kle: W. Klement, R. H. Willens, and P. Duwez, “Non-Crystalline Structure in Solidified Gold-Silicon Alloys”,Nature, 187, 869–870 (1960). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

60Thu: C. D. Thurmond and M. Kowalchic, “Germanium and Silicon Liquidus Curves”,Bell Syst. Tech. J., 39(1), 169–204 (1960). (Thermo; Theory)

60Tru: F. A. Trumbore, “Solid Solubilities of Impurity Elements in Germanium and Silicon”,Bell Syst. Tech. J., 39(1), 205–233 (1960). (Equi Diagram; Review)

61Hea: E. G. Heath, “The Composition of the Gold-Silicon Eutectic”,J. Electron. Control., 11, 13–15 (1961). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

64Wil1: W. R. Wilcox, T. J. LaChapelle, and D. H. Forbes, “Gold in Silicon: Effect on Resistivity and Diffusion in Heavy-Doped Layers”,J. Electrochem. Soc., 111(12), 1377–1380 (1964). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

64Wil2: W. R. Wilcox and T. J. LaChapelle, “Mechanism of Gold Diffusion into Silicon”,J. Appl. Phys., 35(1), 240–246 (1964). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

65Luo: H. L. Luo, W. Klement, Jr., and T. R. Anantharaman, “Effects of Liquid Quenching on the Constitution and Structure of Silver-Silicon and Gold-Silicon Alloys”,Trans. Indian Inst. Met., 18(4), 214–218 (1965). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

65Pre: P. Predecki, B. C. Geissen, and N. J. Grant, “New Metastable Alloy Phases of Gold, Silver and Aluminum”,Trans. AIME, 233(7), 1438–1439 (1965). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

65Spr: G. J. Sprokel and J. M. Fairfield, “Diffusion of Gold into Silicon Crystals”,J. Electrochem. Soc., 112(2), 200–203 (1965). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

66Ana: T. R. Anantharaman, H. L. Luo, and W. Klement, “Formation of New Intermediate Phases in Binary Eutectic Systems by Drastic Undercooling of the Melt”,Nature, 210, 1040–1041 (1966). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

66Wac: R. C. Wackwitz, as reported by W. M. Bullis, “Properties of Gold in Silicon”,Solid State Elect., 9, 143–168 (1966). (Equi Diagram; Theory)

Indicates key paper.67Che: H. S. Chen and D. Turnbull, “Thermal Properties of Gold-Silicon Binary Alloy near the Eutectic Composition”,J. Appl. Phys., 38(9), 3646–3650 (1967). (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases, Thermo; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)

67Dix: J. Dixmier and A. Guinier, “Production of New Phases by Ultra-Rapid Quenching of Liquid Alloys”,Mem. Sci. Rev. Met., 64, 53–58 (1967) in French. (Meta Phases; Experimental)

67Duw: P. Duwez, “Structure and Properties of Alloys Rapidly Quenched from the Liquid State”,Trans. Am. Soc. Met., 60(4), 607–633 (1967). (Meta Phases; Review)

Indicates key paper.67Ger: W. Gerlach and B. Goel, “Gold Silicon Phase Diagram”,Solid-State Electron., 10, 589–592 (1967). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)

Indicates key paper.68Dor: R. C. Dorward and J. S. Kirkaldy, “Thermodynamic Properties of Copper and Gold in Silicon and Germanium”,Trans. AIME, 242(10), 2055–2061 (1968). (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)

69Fil: V. A. Filonenko, “The Structure of the Gold-Silicon Eutectic Mixture in the Liquid and Solid States”,Zh. Fiz. Khim., 43, 1573–1574 (1969) in Russian; TR:Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 43, 874–876 (1969). (Crys Structure, Meta Phases; Experimental)

70Rao: M. V. Rao and W. A. Tiller, “Excess Free Energies in the Ge, Si and Ga Binary Systems—the α-Parameter Approach”,J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 31, 191–198 (1970). (Thermo; Theory)

70Sur: C. Suryanarayana, “Constitution, Structure and Energetics of Splat-Cooled Alloys”, Ph.D. thesis, Banaras Hindu University, India (1970), as cited in [71Ana]. (Meta Phases; Experimental)

71Ana: T. R. Anantharaman and C. Suryanarayana, “Review: A Decade of Quenching from the Melt”,J. Mat. Sci., 6(8), 1111–1135 (1971). (Meta Phases; Review)

71And: G. A. Andersen, J. L. Bestel, A. A. Johnson, and B. Post, “Eutectic Deposition in the Gold-Silicon System”,Met. Sci. Eng., 7, 83–90 (1971). (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases; Experimental)

71Fil: V. A. Filonenko, “Classification of Binary Eutectics”,Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Metall., (6), 154–161 (1971) in Russian; TR:Russ. Metall. (6), 111–117 (1971). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

71Kru: R. J. Krutenat, J. K. Tien, and D. E. Fornwalt, “Sputter Decomposition of a Metastable Phase in the Au−Si System”,Metall. Trans., 2(5), 1479–1481 (1971). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

71Rav: K. V. Ravi and C. J. Varker, “Phase Transformations in Au−Si Alloys Investigated by the SEM Operated in the Electron Beam Induced Current Mode”,Metall. Trans., 2(7), 2005–2008 (1971). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

72Phi: E. Philofsky, K. V. Ravi, J. Brooks, and J. Hall, “Phase Transformations in Eutectic Gold-Silicon on Single Crystal Silicon”,J. Electrochem. Soc., 119(4), 527–530 (1972). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

73Bar: I. Barin, O. Knacke, and O. Kubaschewski, “Thermochemical Properties of Inorganic Substances”, Springer-Verlag (1973). (Thermo; Compilation)

74Fil: V. A. Filonenko, “Structure of Binary Eutectics in the Liquid State”,Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Metall., (1), 182–188 (1974) in Russian; TR:Russ. Metall., (1), 110–114 (1974) (Meta Phases; Experimental)

74Sty: D. L. Styris and M. T. Thomas, “Microstructure of Dissociated Gold-Silicon Alloy by Sputter Etching and Scanning Electron Microscopy”,Mat. Sci. Eng., 14(3), 295–297 (1974). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

74Sur: C. Suryanarayana and T. R. Anantharaman, “On the Crystal Structure of a Non-Equilibrium Phase in the Gold-Silicon System”,Mat. Sci. Eng., 13, 73–81 (1974). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

Indicates key paper.75Ana: R. P. Anantatmula, A. A. Johnson, S. P. Gupta, and R. J. Horylev, “The Gold-Silicon Phase Diagram”,J. Electron. Mat., 4(3), 445–463 (1975). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)

75Hei: E. Heier, “Solubility of Silicon in Gold”,Neue Hutte, 20(1), 53–54 (1975) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

75Hor: H. J. Horylev, R. P. Anantatmula, and A. A. Johnson, “The Metallography of the Metastable Compound Au3Si”,Microstructural Science, 3A, 273–288 (1975). (Equi Diagram, Meta Phases; Experimental)

Indicates key paper.75Pre: B. Predel and H. Bankstahl, “Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Silver-Germanium, Silver-Silicon, Gold-Germanium, and Gold-Silicon Alloys”,J. Less-Common Met., 43(1/2), 191–203 (1975) in German. (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)

76Gre: A. K. Green and E. Bauer, “Formation Structure, and Orientation on Gold Silicide on Gold Surface”,J. Appl. Phys., 47(4), 1284–1291 (1976). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

76Hir: A. Hiraki, M. Iwami, A. Shimizu, and K. Shuto, “Metallic State of Si in Rapidly Quenched Si-Noble Metal Alloys”,Mat. Sci. Eng., 23(2/3), 289–292 (1976). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

76Kis: N. Kishimoto and K. Morigaki, “Metal-Nonmetal Transition in Amorphous Si−Au System at Low Temperatures”,Solid State Commun., 20(1), 31–34 (1976); errata,23(5), vii (1977). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

76Mar: M. Marcus and D. Turnbull, “On the Correlation Between Glass-Forming Tendency and Liquidus Temperature in Metallic Alloys”,Mat. Sci. Eng., 23, 211–214 (1967). (Meta Phases; Theory)

76Wag: R. M. Waghorne, V. G. Rivlin, and G. I. Williams, “Structure of Liquid Alloys of the Au−Si and Au−Ge Systems”,J. Phys. F, 6, 147–156 (1976). (Crys Structure; Experimental)

77Bal: S. S. Balakrishna and A. K. Mallik, “Synthesis of Binary Metallic Systems”,Applications of Phase Diagrams in Metallurgy and Ceramics, G. Carter, Ed., NBS SP-496, 1200–1219 (1977). (Thermo; Theory)

77Bar: I. Barin, O. Knacke, and O. Kubaschewski,Thermochemical Properties of Inorganic Substances (Supplement), Springer-Verlag (1977). (Thermo; Compilation)

77Gir: B. Girault, “Liquidus Curves of Some Metal-Silicon Systems”,C. R. Acad. Sci. (Paris), B284(1), 1–4 (1977) in French. (Thermo; Theory)

77Sud: V. S. Sudavtsova and G. I. Batalin, “Calculation of Activities of Components of Liquid Alloys of the Me−Si System from Phase Diagrams”,Ukr. Khim. Zh., 43(3), 235–240 (1977) in Russian; TR:Sov. Prog. Chem., 43(3), 10–14 (1977). (Thermo; Theory)

78Bal: L. Baldi, G. F. Cerofolini, G. Ferla, and G. Frigerio, “Gold Solubility in Silicon and Gettering by Phosphorus”,Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 48(2), 523–532 (1978). (Equi Diagram; Theory)

78Ber: C. Bergman, R. Chastel, M. Gilbert, and R. Castanet, “Coupled Knudsen Cell-Mass Spectrometric Determination of the Thermodynamic Functions of the Formation of Liquid Copper-Germanium and Gold-Silicon Alloys”,High Temp.-High Press., 10(5), 581–589 (1978). (Thermo; Experimental)

78Bha: D. Bhattacharya and A. A. Johnson, “The Room-Temperature Dissociation of the Compound Au3Si”,Mat. Sci. Eng., 32(2), 181–184 (1978). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

Indicates key paper.78Cas: R. Castanet, R. Chastel, and C. Bergman, “Thermodynamic Study of the Gold-Silicon System”,Mat. Sci. Eng., 32(1), 93–98 (1978) in French. (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)

78Don: I. W. Donald and H. A. Davies, “Prediction of Glass-Forming Ability for Metallic Systems”,J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 30, 77–85 (1978). (Meta Phases; Theory)

78Hau: J. J. Hauser and J. Tauc, “Electrical Properties of Binary Amorphous Alloys”,Phys. Rev., 17(18), 3371–3380 (1978). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

78Leg: B. Legendre, C. Souleau, C. Hancheng, and N. Rodier, “The Ternary System Gold-Silicon-Tellurium; A Contribution to the Study of the Binary Systems Silicon-Tellurium and Gold-Silicon, and the Structure of Si2Te3”,J. Chem. Research(S), (5), 168–169; (M), (5), 2139–2168 (1978) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

78Mag: T. J. Magee and J. Peng, “Investigation of Solid-Solid Reactions of Au Films on Silicon”,Phys. Stat. Sol., 49(1), 313–322 (1978). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

Indicates key paper.79Cas: R. Castanet and C. Bergman”, Heat Capacity of Au0.805Si0.195 Liquid Alloy”,Ann. Chim. Fr., 4, 419–423 (1979). (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)

79Our: K. Oura and T. Hanawa, “LEED-AES Study of the Au−Si (100) System”,Surface Sci., 82(1), 202–214 (1979). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

79Whi: G. K. White, “Thermal Expansion Reference Data: 1–100 K”,High Temp.-High Press., 11, 471–475 (1979). (Crys Structure; Review)

80All: M. von Allmen, S. S. Lau, M. Maenpaa, and B. Y. Tsaur, “Phase Transformations in Laser-Irradiated Au−Si Thin Films”,Appl. Phys. Lett., 36(3), 205–207 (1980). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

80Ell: M. Ellner and B. Predel, “On The Metastable Phase Au4Si·m”,Z. Metallkd., 71(6), 364–369 (1980) in German. (Meta Phases; Experimental)

80Gai: H. L. Gaigher and N. G. van der Berg, “The Structure of Gold Silicide in Thin Au/Si Films”,Thin Solid Films, 68(2), 373–379 (1980). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

Indicates key paper.80Man: Ph. Mangin, G. Marchal, C. Mourey, and Chr. Janot, “Physical Studies of AuxSi1−x Amorphous Alloys”,Phys. Rev., 21(8), 3047–3056 (1980). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

80Mar: G. Marchal, Ph. Mangin, and Chr. Janot, “Crystallization of AuxSi1−x Amorphous Alloys”,Philos. Mag. B, 42(1), 81–94 (1980). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

80Moc: D. Mockel and F. Baumann, “Electrical Resistivity of Quenched Condensed Si−Au Films”,Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 57(2), 585–590 (1980). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

80Mor: K. Morigaki, “Metal-Insulator Transitions in Amorphous Semiconductors”,Philos. Mag. B, 42(6), 979–1001 (1980). (Meta Phases; Review)

81BAP: “Melting Points of the Elements”,Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams,2(1), 145–146 (1981). (Thermo; Compilation)

81Dhe: N. G. Dhere and C. de A. Loural, “Metastable Structures in Au−Si Thin Films”,Thin Solid Films, 81(3), 213–223 (1981). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

81Kin: H. W. King, “Crystal Structures of the Elements at 25°C”,Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2(3), 402 (1981). (Crys Structure; Compilation)

81Lau: S. S. Lau, B. Y. Tsaur, M. von Allmen, J. W. Mayer, B. Stritzker, C. W. White, and B. Appleton, “Ion-Beam Mixing of Metal-Semiconductor Eutectic Systems”,Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 182/183(1), 97–105 (1981). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

81Tsa: B. Y. Tsaur and J. W. Mayer, “Metastable Au−Si Alloy Formation Induced by Ion-Beam Interface Mixing”,Philos. Mag. A, 43(2), 345–361 (1981). (Meta Phases; Experimental)

82Hoh: M. Hohne, “Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Gold in Silicon”,Phys. Stat. Sol. B, 109(2), 525–534 (1982). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)

Indicates key paper.83All: M. von Allmen, “Laser-Generated Glassy Phases”, proceedings ofLaser-Solid Interactions and Transient Thermal Processing of Materials, Elsevier Science Publishers (1983). (Meta Phases; Experimental)