Temporal shotgun metagenomics of an Ecuadorian coffee fermentation process highlights the predominance of lactic acid bacteria

Current Research in Biotechnology - Tập 2 - Trang 1-15 - 2020
Vasileios Pothakos1, Luc De Vuyst1, Sophia Jiyuan Zhang1, Florac De Bruyn1, Marko Verce1, Julio Torres2,3, Michael Callanan4, Cyril Moccand4, Stefan Weckx1
1Research Group of Industrial Microbiology and Food Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
2Nestlé R&D Centre Tours, 101 Avenue Gustave Eiffel, B.P. 49716, 37097 Tours Cedex 2, France
3Nestlé Ecuador, El Inca, EC 170124, Quito, Ecuador
4Nestlé Research, Route du Jorat 57, Vers-chez-les-Blancs, CH-1000 Lausanne 26, Switzerland

Tài liệu tham khảo

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