Template-Free Nonrevisiting Uniform Coverage Path Planning on Curved Surfaces

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics - Tập 28 Số 4 - Trang 1853-1861 - 2023
Tong Yang1, Jaime Valls Miro2,3, Minh Nguyen2, Yue Wang1, Rong Xiong1
1State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
2Robotics Institute, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
3AZTI Foundation, Bilbao, Spain

Tóm tắt

A novel mechanism to generate nonrevisiting uniform coverage (NUC) paths on arbitrarily shaped object surfaces is presented in this work. Given a nonplanar surface, nonzero curvature makes traditional homeomorphic fitting of regular template coverage paths from planar regions onto the object surface non-distance-preserving. Any coverage path with a realistic tooling size derived in this way will suffer from overlaps and missing gaps when transformed onto the object surfaces, unable to uniformly cover the target. To overcome this, a discretization process is adopted to represent the object surface as a uniform unstructured mesh, with resolution set in accordance to the tool size. It is proven that a coverage skeleton path must exist by mesh subdivision refinement which, after a local optimization step to improve overlap, missing gaps, and smoothness, gives rise to template-free superior NUC paths. Extensive simulation examples are presented to prove the validity of the proposed strategy in realistic settings. The proposed scheme is able to achieve 95.9% coverage on benchmark surface tests, outperforming comparable coverage algorithms, such as a homeomorphic boustrophedon mapping, which can at best achieve 80.9% coverage, or more recent state-of-the-art methods able to reach 94.7% coverage. An accompanying video is supplied with examples, including a real-world implementation of an NUC path tracked by a manipulator. An open-source implementation has been made available.

Từ khóa

#Coverage path planning (CPP) #mesh subdivision #uniform coverage

Tài liệu tham khảo

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