Temperature dependence of dc photoconductivity in CdTe thin films

Pradip Kumar Kalita1
1Department of Physics, Guwahati College, Guwahati, India

Tóm tắt

The temperature dependence of dc photoconductivity in the measuring range 303–417 K has been studied in CdTe thin films having thicknesst < 4000 Å. The photoactivation energy decreases in dark which is explained on the basis of grain boundary (GB) effect. The current lost to recombination at GB space charge region causes a negative effect on the photosensitivity of the films. A decrease in photosensitivity with increase in temperature is attributed to the reduction of photoexcitation process. It is observed that the minority carrier lifetime varies inversely with light intensity which supports the sublinear relationship of photoconductivity with the intensity of light and thereby confirms the defect-controlled photoconductivity in CdTe thin films

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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