Taxonomy of estuarine invertebrates in Australia

Wiley - Tập 24 Số 4 - Trang 381-394 - 1999
Pat Hutchings1
1The Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia

Tóm tắt

An Australian estuary is primarily a marine‐dominated environment, subjected to major salinity changes only after heavy rains and during flood conditions. In southeastern Australia estuarine biota are similar to those in shallow coastal bays and some of the coastal lagoons, and most taxonomic studies on estuarine fauna have occurred in this region. Several major surveys of estuarine and coastal bays have been undertaken in Australia during the past three decades and these surveys have largely provided the material for taxonomic studies of the major groups of macrobenthos. All these studies have revealed a diverse and abundant benthic macrobenthos. The composition of estuarine invertebrate fauna is compared with open exposed coasts, including fauna found in soft strata and on hard strata. Australia has a limited specialized estuarine biota much of which is restricted to particular habitats, and a highly diverse marine community which thrives in the sheltered protected waters of estuaries and the associated soft sediments. Currently, interactive computer‐based keys are being developed which should greatly assist the student and the benthic ecologist to identify the fauna and prevent potential loss of data. Some aspects of the current debate of the level of taxonomic resolution required to answer various ecological questions are discussed. Finally, some comments are suggested as to future directions in which taxonomists and estuarine ecologists should proceed in order to be able to detect changes or losses of estuarine biodiversity and the loss of the associated biological information which may be critical in understanding the functioning of the estuarine ecosystem.

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Tài liệu tham khảo



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