Tailoring Anisotropy and Heterogeneity of Selective Laser Melted Ti6Al4V Alloys
Tóm tắt
Selective laser melting (SLM) provides an opportunity to manufacture parts with complex geometry, minimal wastage, and no need for special tooling. However, the fabricated parts exhibit heterogeneity and anisotropy in mechanical properties and residual stresses, which have been long-term concerns of the SLM of metallic materials. The present study investigates the effect of melting sequence and heat treatment on such heterogeneous and anisotropic properties in the SLM Ti6Al4V alloys. As a relatively low-cost and effective approach, the application of melting sequence led to the homogenization of the microstructure and improvement of mechanical properties, though anisotropy in properties (residual stresses, hardness) remained. The application of the heat treatment process not only homogenized the hardness but also reduced the anisotropy. These approaches would be considered as the two potential strategies to overcome the shortcoming of the SLM process, depending on the required properties, possibility and performance, and the budget.
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