T cell pathology in skin inflammation

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 41 - Trang 359-377 - 2019
Robert Sabat1, Kerstin Wolk1,2, Lucie Loyal2, Wolf-Dietrich Döcke3, Kamran Ghoreschi4
1Psoriasis Research and Treatment Center, Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology/Institute of Medical Immunology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
2Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT), Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
3SBU Oncology, Pharmaceuticals, Bayer AG, Berlin and Wuppertal, Berlin, Germany
4Department of Dermatology, Venereology, and Allergology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Tóm tắt

Forming the outer body barrier, our skin is permanently exposed to pathogens and environmental hazards. Therefore, skin diseases are among the most common disorders. In many of them, the immune system plays a crucial pathogenetic role. For didactic and therapeutic reasons, classification of such immune-mediated skin diseases according to the underlying dominant immune mechanism rather than to their clinical manifestation appears to be reasonable. Immune-mediated skin diseases may be mediated mainly by T cells, by the humoral immune system, or by uncontrolled unspecific inflammation. According to the involved T cell subpopulation, T cell–mediated diseases may be further subdivided into T1 cell–dominated (e.g., vitiligo), T2 cell–dominated (e.g., acute atopic dermatitis), T17/T22 cell–dominated (e.g., psoriasis), and Treg cell–dominated (e.g., melanoma) responses. Moreover, T cell–dependent and -independent responses may occur simultaneously in selected diseases (e.g., hidradenitis suppurativa). The effector mechanisms of the respective T cell subpopulations determine the molecular changes in the local tissue cells, leading to specific microscopic and macroscopic skin alterations. In this article, we show how the increasing knowledge of the T cell biology has been comprehensively translated into the pathogenetic understanding of respective model skin diseases and, based thereon, has revolutionized their daily clinical management.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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