Switchable beam generation in a reflectarray antenna using rotman lens and combline array feed for IoT

A. Srinag1, S. Aruna1, K. Srinivasa Naik2
1Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Andhra University college of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, India
2Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam, India

Tóm tắt

This paper presents the development of a beam-steerable reflectarray designed for IoT applications in the 5 GHz (WiFi) frequency range. The proposed reflectarray incorporates a combination of a Rotman lens and a combline series-fed array as the feed source, resulting in a planar structure capable of beam steering. By exciting the Rotman lens port, the combline array emits a beam in a specific direction. The reflected beam is then efficiently redirected by the reflectarray towards the desired direction, achieving high gain. The reflectarray system, utilizing a Rotman lens-based combline array as the feed source, enables the generation of four switchable beams directed at angles of $$-10^{\circ }$$ , $$-20^{\circ }$$ , $$-28^{\circ }$$ , and $$-45^{\circ }$$ . Prototypes of the reflectarray, Rotman lens, and combline array were fabricated separately using low-cost FR4 substrate with dimensions of $$100 \times 100 \times 1.6$$  mm $$^3$$ , $$120 \times 150 \times 1.6$$  mm $$^3$$ and $$120 \times 150 \times 1.6$$  mm $$^3$$ , respectively. The reflectarray antenna with a planar feed source exhibits a gain of 18 dBi at 5 GHz. The results from both the simulated and measured data show strong agreement, emphasizing the antenna’s cost-effectiveness, ease of fabrication, and simplicity, which make it highly suitable for IoT applications.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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