Sustainable construction and quality of improved columns with three types of water-cement ratios on deep mixing method in Saga Lowland, Kyushu, Japan

Hirofumi Usui1, Donzala David Some2, Mathiro José Sindete2, Takenori Hino3
1Technical Department, Tenox Kyusyu Corporation, Fukuoka, Japan
2Civil Engineering and Architectural Design Course, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saga University, Saga, Japan
3Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University, Saga, Japan

Tóm tắt

In this study, we investigated the application of the deep mixing method (DMM) to cohesive soil in the Saga Lowland of Kyushu, Japan. The study focused on examining three types of water-cement ratio (W/C) conditions, with a constant addition of cement-based binder (C). Due to the soft clay nature of the Saga Lowland, frequent ground settlement and deformation occur, necessitating measures to prevent adverse effects on the surrounding environment. The objective of this research is to provide a valuable approach to optimizing the quality of the improved columns while minimizing ground displacement in an environmentally considerate manner. In Saga Lowland, it is common to fix the W/C ratio at 1.0 and vary the cement content. Through experimental construction for improved columns on the field, the study confirmed that W/C values of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 influence the quality of the improved structure. A higher W/C value of 1.5 resulted in a more fluid cement slurry due to a higher injection rate (IR = 23.9%), as evidenced by statistical analysis revealing higher average unconfined compressive strength ( $$\overline{{q }_{u}}$$ ), and a lower coefficient of variation (CV). The defective rate of 10% (qudr) from the design standard strength shows that values are lowest for Case 2, followed by Case 3 and then Case 1. Comparing the values of Case 2 and Case 3, it is observed that in Case 3, with a higher W/C, the CV is lower.. Regarding horizontal ground displacement (Sh), Case 3 exhibited a Sh value of 2.0 to 6.5 mm, significantly lower than Saga prefecture standards (20 mm). This outcome is attributed to reduced viscosity during mixing, leading to improved fluidity and minimal lateral displacement of the soil–cement columns (which often results in lateral ground uplift). Even though with a higher W/C = 1.5, the implementation cost remains the same, but the constructed structure would be of higher quality and smaller displacement, with the overall structure corresponding to the standard quality. The study includes the specific geotechnical conditions of the Saga Lowland and the scope of experimentation. Nonetheless, in terms of the applicability and optimization of DMM in Saga Lowland, the findings provide practical guidance for engineers in selecting W/C ratio and IR during construction for future DMM implementations, thereby contributing to the development of long-lasting infrastructure and sustainable societal development.

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