Surface Modifications Produced by N2 and O2 RF Plasma Treatment on a Synthetic Vulcanized Styrene-Butadiene Rubber
Tóm tắt
A low-pressure gas RF plasma-treatment has been used to improve the adhesion of a synthetic vulcanized rubber to polyurethane adhesive as an environmentally friendly alternative surface treatment to the conventional chemical treatments. A sulfur vulcanized styrene-butadiene rubber (R2) containing a noticeable amount of zinc stearate and paraffin wax (both providing a lack of adhesion) in its formulation was used. Two different gases (oxygen and nitrogen) were used to generate the RF plasma, which was performed at 50 Watt for 1–15 min. The modifications produced on the R2 rubber surface by the RF plasma treatments were assessed by using advancing and receding contact angle measurements, ATR-IR spectroscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Adhesion evaluation was obtained from T-peel tests of joints produced between plasma treated R2 rubber and a polyurethane adhesive. The plasma treatment produced a decrease in advancing and receding contact angle values on R2 rubber, irrespective to the gas used to generate the RF plasma. The treatment with RF plasma produced the partial removal of hydrocarbon moieties from the rubber surface and the generation of oxygen moieties. An increase in surface roughness was also produced. The degree of oxidation and the amount of hydrocarbon-rich layer removed from the R2 rubber surface was more important by treating with oxygen plasma. The treatment of rubber in oxygen plasma for 1 minute was enough to noticeably increase adhesion of R2 rubber to polyurethane adhesive. However, an extended treatment (15 min.) was needed when nitrogen plasma was applied to R2 rubber. The loci of failure in the joints produced between the plasma treated R2 rubber and the polyurethane adhesive was assessed by using ATR-IR spectroscopy. A mixed failure (partially adhesional and partially cohesive failure in the rubber) in the joints produced with plasma treated R2 rubber joints was always obtained.
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