Supporting Safe Motherhood Services In Diyarbakir: A Community-Based Distribution Project
Tóm tắt
To provide pregnant and puerperal women experiencing problems with receiving health care in Diyarbakir, Turkey, with an education program and counseling to help them attain appropriate health behaviors and to support receiving health care through a community based distribution model. This article is a descriptive report of a qualitative community based distribution project conducted in cooperation with the Women’s Research and Implementation Centre (WRIC) of Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality (DMM) and Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation. The study was carried out between March 2007 and April 2008 in six districts of Diyarbakir, a region with a population of 37,000 people of low socio-economic status and who immigrated from the surrounding villages. A total of 6,029 families were visited and 1,119 pregnant and puerperal women were contacted, provided with education and counseling and referred to primary health care clinics at home visits. Seven women living in the region were selected and educated so that they could offer peer education and educational material was prepared for the target group. The pregnant and puerperal women living in the study area were recorded and referred to primary health care clinics. They were visited four times during pregnancy and three times during puerperium and were provided an education program and counseling. Data were collected from the records made during monitoring the women and focus group discussions with women, peer trainers and health care staff. They were found to acquire appropriate health behaviors, 36.2 % women started to receive health care from primary health care clinics for the first time and 86.9 % of the deliveries were performed at health centers. The pregnant and puerperal women were satisfied with home visits, felt special and put the information about self-care into practice. The number of the women receiving iron supplements and vaccine against tetanus and receiving regular care increased.
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