Superoxide anion scavenging effect and superoxide dismutase activity ofGinkgo biloba extract
Tóm tắt
Ginkgo biloba extract is known to be efficient in diseases associated with free radical generation. The purpose of this work was to study, under in vitro conditions, the action ofGinkgo biloba extract (Gbe) against superoxide anion (
$$O_{2^{\bar .} }$$
), which is directly or indirectly implicated in cell damage. Gbe appears to have both an
$$O_{2^{\bar .} }$$
scavenging effect and also a superoxide dismutase activity. Its antiradical effect was demonstrated by low temperature electron spin resonance and in a non-enzymatic system (phenazine methosulfate-NADH), and its enzymatic activity was shown by polarographic determination.
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