Study and Experimental Validation of a 0.34 THz Double Corrugated Waveguide Interaction Structure for Backward Wave Oscillator with Sheet Electron Beam
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Terahertz backward wave oscillators based on double corrugated waveguides are enabling devices for modern satellite communication systems. This research focuses on the design of a 0.34 THz double corrugated waveguide-based interaction structure using a sheet beam. This choice allows the use of shorter pillars along with a narrow gap between pillar rows. Shorter pillars are easier to manufacture and a narrow gap is required for better interaction impedance. Circular beams restrict the use of larger pillars and narrow gap between pillars. The performance of this interaction structure is compared with a folded waveguide. Under the same operating conditions involving a 20 kV beam voltage and a 30 mA beam current, the double corrugated waveguide interaction structure exhibits impressive performance in simulations, featuring an interaction impedance of 0.52
$${\varOmega }$$
at 0.34 THz, an output power of 3.2 W, and a bandwidth extending to approximately 20 GHz. In contrast, the folded waveguide, as per simulation results, registers values of 0.43
$${\varOmega }$$
, 2.6 W, and a 12 GHz bandwidth, respectively. The proposed double corrugated waveguide-based interaction structure is fabricated using modern CNC machining. Experimental validation reinforces the effectiveness of this design, with measurements indicating reflection below −20 dB and transmission exceeding −2 dB.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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