Studies of ionospheric variations during geomagnetic activities at the low-latitude station, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Acta Geophysica - Tập 61 - Trang 223-239 - 2012
Emmanuel A. Ariyibi1, Emanuel O. Joshua2, Babatunde A. Rabiu3
1Department of Physics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
2Department of Physics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
3Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

Tóm tắt

The dual frequency SCINDA NovAtel GSV 4004B GPS receiver installed at the Ile-Ife (low-latitude station) has been in operation since December 2009. Data records for the year 2010 were processed to obtain Total Electron Content (TEC) and S 4 index. These were interpreted to analyze the ionospheric condition during low geomagnetic activity period (when Dst is from −40 to 0 nT) and during geomagnetic storm events (with Dst about −100 nT). Seasonal variations of the TEC and S 4 index were also investigated. The occurrence of scintillations is closely linked to the peak value of TEC during the daytime; this is very evident during the equinox months when TEC ≥ 30 TECu. When the maximum TEC value is below 30 TECu, as shown by most of the days in the summer months, the scintillation phenomenon does not occur. During geomagnetic storms, the daytime segment of the TEC plot experiences fluctuations (even bifurcations) in values with the peak TEC value of about 40 TECu. From the interpreted data, the occurrence of geomagnetic storm does not necessarily suggest an increase in the level of scintillations at a low-latitude region. Also, there is a remarkable difference between the IRI 2007 model and the observed TEC values, as the daytime TEC peak differs in magnitude and time of occurrence from the observed TEC.

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