Structure, properties and corrosion resistivity of polymeric nanocomposite coatings based on layered silicates
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This paper reviews the recent research and development of polymeric nanocomposite coatings based on layered silicates. In the past few decades, extensive research activities have been conducted on clay minerals due to their unique layered structure, rich intercalation chemistry and availability at low cost, environmental stability, and good processability. One of the most important categories of layered silicates is nanoclays. The nanoclay is considered as reinforcement for polymers in the manufacture of low-cost, lightweight and high performance nanocomposite coatings. In this paper, we try to introduce the structure, properties, and surface modification of clay minerals. Different properties of polymer clay nanocomposite coatings consisting of different polymers are also reviewed. These coatings may consist of conductive and nonconductive polymers. The corrosion resistance of each type is discussed separately. Some novel properties can be observed from the interaction of two dissimilar chemical components at the molecular level that posses enhancements in corrosion inhibition on metallic substrates. Finally, the prospective problems of industrial usage of these materials are mentioned.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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