Structure of a cholesterol-binding protein deficient in Niemann–Pick type C2 disease

Natalia Friedland1, Heng-Ling Liou1, Peter Lobel1, Ann Stock1
1Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Departments of Pharmacology and Biochemistry, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey–Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, 679 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854

Tóm tắt

Niemann–Pick disease type C2 (NP-C2) is a fatal hereditary disease characterized by accumulation of low-density lipoprotein-derived cholesterol in lysosomes. Here we report the 1.7-Å resolution crystal structure of the cholesterol-binding protein deficient in this disease, NPC2, and the characterization of its ligand binding properties. Human NPC2 binds the cholesterol analog dehydroergosterol with submicromolar affinity at both acidic and neutral pH. NPC2 has an Ig-like fold stabilized by three disulfide bonds. The structure of the bovine protein reveals a loosely packed region penetrating from the surface into the hydrophobic core that forms adjacent small cavities with a total volume of ≈160 Å 3 . We propose that this region represents the incipient cholesterol-binding site that dilates to accommodate an ≈740-Å 3 cholesterol molecule.

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