Structure, chemical and enzymatic modification, and anticancer activity of polysaccharides from the brown alga Turbinaria ornata

Journal of Applied Phycology - Tập 28 Số 4 - Trang 2495-2505 - 2016
Svetlana P. Ermakova1, Roza V. Menshova1, Stanislav D. Anastyuk1, Olesya S. Malyarenko1, Alexander M. Zakharenko1, Pham Duc Thinh2, Bùi Minh Lý2, T. N. Zvyagintseva1
1G.B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch, Laboratory of Enzyme Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russian Federation
2NhaTrang Institute of Technology Research and Application, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Nhatrang, Socialist Republic of Vietnam

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