Structure and methane content of fossil coals

Allerton Press - Tập 50 - Trang 207-212 - 2016
E. V. Ulyanova1, O. N. Malinnikova1, M. O. Dolgova1, I. V. Zverev1, A. V. Burchak2, A. N. Molchanov3, T. V. Pichka3
1Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
3Institute of Physics of Mining Processes, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Tóm tắt

The study of the coals of Long-flame–Gas brands with different methane contents showed that the methane content of coal beds is mainly related to the nanostructure of coal matter, and it does not depend on the porosity of coal. The molecules of methane penetrate directly into the coal structure, and they become absorbed by sorption sites that appear on the dangling bonds of aromatic and conjugated-chain structural fragments of coal.

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