Structure and U/Pb geochronology of Central Hoggar (Algeria): A reappraisal of its Pan‐African evolution
Tóm tắt
Discovery of large‐scale deep‐seated thrusts in Central Hoggar, with a plurifacial evolution ranging from lower amphibolite facies to upper greenschist facies conditions and linked to a regional refoliation, has led us to reconsider the Pan‐African tectonic and metamorphic history in that region. Two areas are described, and a review of other thrusts leads to an interpretative cross section of a large portion of reactivated continental crust. The age and kinematics of this structural reworking have been approached using U/Pb zircon dating in the Tamanrasset region. Despite the difficulty of estimating the age of the initiation of the assumed intracontinental A‐type subduction, the results provide a time span of 30–40 m.y. between the climax of granitoid emplacement and a late retrogressive offset along the thrust planes. Some key ages were determined: (1) 2075 ± 30 Ma is the age given by granulite facies remnants which escaped from the refoliation, the corresponding lower intercept at 530 ± 70 Ma confirms the Pan‐African imprint; (2) 615 ± 5 Ma reflecting the age of syntectonic to late‐tectonic granitoids emplaced in reworked gneisses and in preserved granulites; (3) 580 Ma, the concordant age of sphenes and monazites from the same granitoids, which is interpreted as corresponding to the end of medium‐grade conditions. No evidence has been found of a ∼1000 Ma age: a Kibaran event does not appear to exist in Central Hoggar. The age similarity between the observed deep intracontinental evolution of Central Hoggar and the collision‐related tectonics of Western Hoggar and Iforas suggests a common origin for both phenomena.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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