Structural and Dielectric Characterization of Sol-Gel Fabricated PbTiO3 Thin Films Doped with Lanthanide Ions
Tóm tắt
Lanthanide elements doped PbTiO3 thin films were prepared by a modified sol-gel method via spin-coating on platinized silicon substrates. The films microstructure and phase composition were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and Raman spectroscopy. Small signal dielectric properties of the films were characterized at different temperatures and doping element concentration. It is shown that dielectric constant, loss tangent and Curie transition temperature of lanthanide elements doped thin films correlate with concentration and ionic radii of these elements. The results obtained are discussed from the point of view of substitution type and compared to some extent to the data, reported by other research groups.
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