Stress symptoms among adolescents: The role of subjective psychosocial conditions, lifestyle, and self‐esteem

Journal of Adolescence - Tập 34 - Trang 987-996 - 2011
Karin Schraml1, Aleksander Perski1, Giorgio Grossi1, Margareta Simonsson-Sarnecki2
1Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University, SE-106 91, Stockholm, Sweden
2Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

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Stress‐related problems are increasing among Swedish adolescents, especially among females. The aims of this study were to survey the incidence of stress symptoms among 16‐year‐olds, to investigate the related gender differences, and to understand the factors that may contribute to stress symptoms. The study is questionnaire based, and the sample included 304 first‐year high school students from two comparable schools. More than 30% of the high school students reported serious stress symptoms. Almost every second girl and every fifth boy reported that they felt stressed to a high degree. 8.2% were found to have severe stress symptoms, which would be considered a sign of chronic stress in adults. Besides the perception of high demands, low levels of global self‐esteem, sleep disturbances, and poor social support played a crucial role in the prediction of stress symptoms. The findings highlight the need to develop and implement adequate stress prevention measures for adolescents.

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