Stream macroinvertebrate occurrence along gradients in organic pollution and eutrophication
Tóm tắt
1. We analysed a large number of concurrent samples of macroinvertebrate communities and chemical indicators of eutrophication and organic pollution [total‐P, total‐N, NH4–N, biological oxygen demand (BOD5)] from 594 Danish stream sites. Samples were taken over an 11‐year time span as part of the Danish monitoring programme on the aquatic environment. Macroinvertebrate communities were sampled in spring using a standardised kick‐sampling procedure whereas chemical variables were sampled six to 24 times per year per site. Habitat variables were assessed once when macroinvertebrates were sampled.
2. The plecopteran
3. Macroinvertebrate occurrence appeared to be related primarily to concentrations of BOD5, NH4–N and total‐P whereas there were almost no relationships to total‐N. Occurrence of a number of taxa showed a stronger relationship to habitat conditions (width and substrate) than chemical variables.
4. Important macroinvertebrate taxa are reduced at concentrations of BOD5 that are normally perceived as indicating unimpacted stream site conditions. Our results confirmed sensitivity/tolerance patterns used by existing bioassessment systems only to some degree.
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