Strategies for internationalisation at technical universities in the Nordic countries

Tertiary Education and Management - Tập 24 - Trang 19-33 - 2018
Katrine Hahn Kristensen1, Jan Erik Karlsen2
1Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
2Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway

Tóm tắt

This article investigates strategies for internationalisation at technical universities in the Nordic countries. The study explores the institutional rationales for internationalisation, the stories told in the strategy documents, the importance of leaders, faculty, administration and students for implementation of the strategy, and barriers and key components of successful internationalisation. We studied the strategic work with inter-nationalisation across 27 technical universities in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. This work reflects both global trends of competition and the traditional Nordic model of cooperation. Overall, the universities incorporated internationalisation in their strategies in order to increase quality in research and education, and to establish strategic partnerships and networks. There is a shift in rationales from a more traditional approach of internationalisation to a new integrated form.

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