Stigma, Acceptance and Belonging for People with IDD Across Cultures
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•• Bigby C, Anderson S, Cameron N. Identifying conceptualizations and theories of change embedded in interventions to facilitate community participation for people with intellectual disability: a scoping review. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2018;31(2):165–80. comprehensive review that describes what community participation means for prople with IDD and intervention approaches.
• Lysaght R, Petner-Arrey J, Howell-Moneta A, Cobigo V. Inclusion through work and productivity for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2017;30(5):922–35. article gives detailed and practical approaches to facilitate inclusion in the workplace from the perspective of people with IDD.
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• Strnadová I, Johnson K, Walmsley J. “… but if you’re afraid of things, how are you meant to belong?” What belonging means to people with intellectual disabilities? J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2018;31(6):1091–102. article also describes belonging from the perspective of people with IDD and emphasises a person-centred approach.
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• Heffron JL, Spassiani NA, Angell AM, Hammel J. Using photovoice as a participatory method to identify and strategize community participation with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Scand J Occup Ther. 2018;25(5):382–95. article uses photovoice to highlight environmental barriers and facilitators to participation for people with IDD.
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•• Louw JS, Kirkpatrick B, Leader G. Enhancing social inclusion of young adults with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review of original empirical studies. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2019. is a thorough review identifying various intervention approaches to minimise stigma and enhance social inclusion.
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•• Taderera C, Hall H. Challenges faced by parents of children with learning disabilities in Opuwo, Namibia. Afr J Disabil. 2017;6:e1–e10. article clearly highlights cultural influences on stigma and acceptance, specifically within Namibia.
Banga G, Ghosh S. The impact of affiliate stigma on the psychological well-being of mothers of children with specific learning disabilities in India: the mediating role of subjective burden. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2017;30(5):958–69.
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• Persons DS. Stigma, learning and inheritance: an ecocultural study of adaptation and resource use among families of children with Down syndrome in Thailand. Disabil CBR Inclus Dev. 2017;28(2):117–28. very interesting discussion around cultural influences on stigma, highlighting the benefit of inclusion for people with IDD in cultural activities.
Spassiani N, Abou Chacra MS, Lunsky Y. “Why are you here? Can't you cope at home?” The psychiatric crisis of people with intellectual disabilities and the community’s response. J Ment Health Res Intellect Disabil. 2017;10(2):74–92.
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• Louw CJ, Grobler HB, Cowden RG. Strengthening intellectually challenged adolescents’ sense of self: an appreciative inquiry mixed-methods intervention. J Interdisc Health Sciences. 2018;23(9):e1–e11. article describes a strengths-based approach – appreciative inquiry – and mentions practical strategies for including adolescents with IDD into their families and community.
Chang YC, Chen CH, Huang PC, Lin LY. Understanding the characteristics of friendship quality, activity participation, and emotional well-being in Taiwanese adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Scand J Occup Ther. 2019;26(6):452–62.
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•• Capri C, Abrahams L, Mckenzie J, Coetzee O, Mkabile S, Saptouw M, et al. Intellectual disability rights and inclusive citizenship in South Africa: what can a scoping review tell us? Afr J Disabil. 2018;7(5):e1–e17. interesting review on the rights of people with IDD and discussion around cultural influences.
Kabiyea F, Manor-Binyamini I. The relationship between stress and stigma, somatization and parental self-efficacy among fathers of adolescents with developmental disabilities in the Bedouin community in Israel. Res Dev Disabil. 2019;90:31–40.
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• Kassah BLL, Kassah AK, Phillips D. Children with intellectual disabilities and special school education in Ghana. Int J Disabil Dev Educ. 2018;65(3):341–54. article provides an interesting discussion around the tensions of inclusive education versus special schools in the Ghanaian context.
Lindau N, Amin T, Zambon A, Scior K. The effect of brief digital interventions on attitudes to intellectual disability: results from a pilot study. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2018;31(1):106–13.
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• Dickinson D, Hutchinson N. Changes in understandings and perceptions of individuals, significant others and community supporters involved in a theatre company for adults with intellectual disabilities. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2019;32(3):691–705. interesting article about the successful approach of a theatre company to increase community acceptance and belonging for people with IDD.
Rickson D, Warren P. Music for all: including young people with intellectual disability in a university environment. J Intellect Disabil. 2018;22(3):279–93.
Robinson D, Moore N, Harris C. The impact of books on social inclusion and development and well-being among children and young people with severe and profound learning disabilities: recognising the unrecognised cohort. Br J Learn Disabil. 2019;47(2):91–104.
Bould E, Bigby C, Bennett PC, Howell TJ. ‘More people talk to you when you have a dog’ – dogs as catalysts for social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2018;62(10):833–41.
Merrells J, Buchanan A, Waters R. “We feel left out”: experiences of social inclusion from the perspective of young adults with intellectual disability. J Intellect Develop Disabil. 2019;44(1):13–22.
Stanley Z, Lauretani P, Conforti D, Cowen J, Dubois D, Renwick R. Working to make research inclusive: perspectives on being members of the Voices of Youths project. Disabil Soc. 2019;34(9–10):1660–7.
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