State of the Art of Micromachining
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1999, vol. 6, 63
Shimada, 1993, Feasibility Study on Ultimate Accuracy in Microcutting Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Annals of the CIRP, 42, 91, 10.1016/S0007-8506(07)62399-3
Brinksmeier E., Schmütz J. 1999, Vibration Assisted Diamond Cutting of Non-Ferrous Metals, Proc. of 1st EUSPEN Conference, Bremen, 1, 442-445
Tönshoff, 1999, Micromachining of Metals Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses, IJEM, 4, 1, 10.2526/ijem.4.1
Reynaerts's, 1997, Microstructuring of silicon by electro-discharge machining (EDM) - part I: theory, Sensors and Actuators A, 60, 212, 10.1016/S0924-4247(97)01359-9
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Reynaerts, D., Song, X., Meeusen, W., Van Brussel, H. 1999, Silicon Bulk Micromachining by Micro-EDM Milling with Electrode Compensation, Proc. of Int'l Congress for Sensors Transducers & Systems, Sensor 99, Nurnberg, 249-254
Song, X., Reynaerts, D., Meeusen, W., Van Brussel, H., 1999, Investigation of Micro-EDM for Silicon Microstructure Fabrication, Proc. of SPIE Symposium on Micromachining and Microfabrication, Paris, 792-799
Fujino, M., Okamoto, N. Masuzawa, T., 1995, Development of Multi-Purpose Microprocessing Machine, Proc. Of ISEM 11, 613-620
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Yu, 1998, 3D Micro-EDM with Simply Shaped Electrode (Part I) - Machining of cavities with sharp corners and electrode wear compensation, IJEM, 3, 7, 10.2526/ijem.3.7
Yu, Z., Masuzawa, T., Fujino, M. 1998, 3D Micro-EDM with Simply Shaped Electrode (Part II) - Machining and error analysis of conical and spherical cavities-, IJEM, No. 3, 71-78
Kawata, K., Masaki, T, Sato, T., Masuzawa, T., 1997, Accuracy of micro-electrodischarge machining, Proc. of Int'l Conference on Precision Engineering '97, Taipei, 597-602
Sheu, D.Y., Masuzawa, T., Fujino, M., 1997, Machining of deep microholes by EDM, Proc. of Int'l Conference on Precision Engineering '97, Taipei, 593-596
Yu, 1996, 3D micro-EDM with simply shaped electrode, Proc. of the 3rd France-Japan Congress & 1st Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics, Besançon, 2, 519
Langen, 1996, Reverse Micro-EDM and its Applicability to Microassembly, IJEM, 1, 53, 10.2526/ijem.1.53
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Catalog, Kasen Nozzle
Tönshoff, H.K., Ostendorf, A., Momma, C., Kamlage, G., Nolte, S., 1998, Microdrilling of Metals with Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Proc. Of ICALEO '98, Florida, 1-10
Tönshoff, H.K., von Alvensleben, F., Ostendorf, A., Nolte, S., Kamlage, G., 1999, Femtosecond Laser - A Powerful Tool for Micro Drilling, Proc. of ICALEO '99, California,
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Egashira, 1999, Microultrasonic Machining by the Application of Workpiece Vibratrion, Annals of the CIRP, 48, 131, 10.1016/S0007-8506(07)63148-5
Egashira, 1999, Micro Ultrasonic Machining of Hard and Brittle Materials, Condensed Matter News, 7, 46
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Egashira, 1997, Application of USM to Micromachining by On-the-machine Tool Fabrication, IJEM, 2, 31, 10.2526/ijem.2.31
Egashira, K., Masuzawa, T., Fujino, M., Sun, X.-Q., 1996, Micro-USM technique by fabricating microtools on the machine, Proceedings of the 3rd France-Japan Congress & 1st Europe Asia Congress on Mechatronics, Besancon, 2, 509-512
Sun, X.-Q., Masuzawa, T., Fujino, M., 1996, Micro Ultrasonic Machining and Self-Aligned Multilayer Machining/Assembly Technologies for 3D Micromachines, Proc. of IEEE, MEMS '96, 312-317
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Brinksmeier, E., Preuß, W., Schmütz, J., 1997, Manufacture of Microstructures by Diamond Machining, Proc. of 9th IPES/UME 4 Int'l Conference, Braunschweig, 503-507
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Shimada, 1999, Atomistic Mechanism of Surface Generation in Micromachining of Monocrystalline Silicon, Proc. of 1st EUSPEN Conference, Bremen, 1, 230
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The LIGA Technique, Catalog of MicroParts Gesellschaft für Mikrostrukturtechnik mbH
Piotter, V., Benzler, T., Hanemann, T., Wöllmer, H., Ruprecht, R., Haußelt, J., 1999, Innovative Molding Technologies for the Fabrication of Components for Microsystems, Proc. of SPIE conference on 'Design, Test and Microfabrication of MEMS and MOEMS', 456-463
Piotter, 1999, Manufacturing of Micro Parts by Micro Molding Techniques, Proc. of 1st EUSPEN Conference, Bremen, 1, 494
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Ritzhaupt-Kleissl, H.-J., 1998, Keramik in der Mikrotechnik - Werkstoffe, Verfahren und Anwendungen, Beitrag zum 3. Statuskolloqium des Projekts Mikrosystemtechnik
Piotter, V., Benzler, T., Ruprecht, R., Haußelt, J., 1998, Manufacturing of Micro Sized Structures by MIM and CIM, Proc. of PM2TEC '98 Int'l Conference On Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, Las Vegas, 1-9
Chikamori, 1998, Possibilities of Electrochemical Micromachining, Int'l J. of JSPE, 32, 37
Kunieda, 1993, Influence of Micro Indents Formed by Electro-Chemical Jet Machining on Rolling Bearing Fatigue Life, Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ASME, 64, 693
Masuzawa, 1994, A Combined Electrical Machining Process for Micronozzle Fabrication, Annals of the CIRP, 43, 189, 10.1016/S0007-8506(07)62193-3
Nebashi, 1998, In-Process Truing/Dressing of Grinding Wheels by WEDG and ELID, IJEM, 3, 64
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Ori, R.I., Hayakawa, S., Itoigawa, F., Nakamura, T., Matsubara, T., 1999, Prototyping as an application of metal adhesion in micro-electrodischarge, Proc. of Annual meeting of JSEME, 89-92 (in Japanese)
Akedo, J., 1999, Film formation by ultrafine particle beam and its application to micromachining, Japanese Applied Physics, 68, 1, 44-47 (in Japanese)
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Annual Report of the Fraunhofer Institute of Production Technology IPT, 1998
Sawada, K., Takeuchi, Y., Sata, T., 1998, Improvement of Ultraprecision Micromachining Accuracy by Means of a High Precision Tool Chucking System, Proc. of CIRP International Seminar on “Improving Machine Tool Performance”, San Sebastian, 599-606