Stable free surface flows with the lattice Boltzmann method on adaptively coarsened grids

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 247-263 - 2008
Nils Thürey1, Ulrich Rüde1
1Computer Science 10 - System Simulation (LSS), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany

Tóm tắt

In this paper we will present an algorithm to perform free surface flow simulations with the lattice Boltzmann method on adaptive grids. This reduces the required computational time by more than a factor of three for simulations with large volumes of fluid. To achieve this, the simulation of large fluid regions is performed with coarser grid resolutions. We have developed a set of rules to dynamically adapt the coarse regions to the movement of the free surface, while ensuring the consistency of all grids. Furthermore, the free surface treatment is combined with a Smagorinsky turbulence model and a technique for adaptive time steps to ensure stable simulations. The method is validated by comparing the position of the free surface with an uncoarsened simulation. It yields speedup factors of up to 3.85 for a simulation with a resolution of 4803 cells and three coarser grid levels, and thus enables efficient and stable simulations of free surface flows, e.g. for highly detailed physically based animations of fluids.

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