Stability and Stabilization of Switched Linear Systems With Mode-Dependent Average Dwell Time

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control - Tập 57 Số 7 - Trang 1809-1815 - 2012
Xudong Zhao1, Lixian Zhang2, Peng Shi3, Ming Liu4
1Coll. of Inf. & Control Eng., China Univ. of Pet., Qingdao, China
2Space Control and Inertial Technology Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
3Dept. of Comput. & Math. Sci., Univ. of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, UK
4[Sch. of Astronaut., Harbin Inst. of Technol., Harbin, China]

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