StCaM2, a calcium binding protein, alleviates negative effects of salinity and drought stress in tobacco

Plant Molecular Biology - Tập 106 - Trang 85-108 - 2021
Meenakshi Raina1, Ashish Kumar2, Nikita Yadav2, Sumita Kumari3, Mohd Aslam Yusuf4, Ananda Mustafiz2, Deepak Kumar1,5
1Department of Botany, Central University of Jammu, Rahya-Suchani (Bagla), Jammu and Kashmir, India
2Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, South Asian University, Akbar Bhawan, Chanakyapuri, India
3Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
4Department of Bioengineering, Integral University, Lucknow, India
5Department of Botany, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

Tóm tắt

Overexpression of StCaM2 in tobacco promotes plant growth and confers increased salinity and drought tolerance by enhancing the photosynthetic efficiency, ROS scavenging, and recovery from membrane injury. Calmodulins (CaMs) are important Ca2+ sensors that interact with effector proteins and drive a network of signal transduction pathways involved in regulating the growth and developmental pattern of plants under stress. Herein, using in silico analysis, we identified 17 CaM isoforms (StCaM) in potato. Expression profiling revealed different temporal and spatial expression patterns of these genes, which were modulated under abiotic stress. Among the identified StCaM genes, StCaM2 was found to have the largest number of abiotic stress responsive promoter elements. In addition, StCaM2 was upregulated in response to some of the selected abiotic stress in potato tissues. Overexpression of StCaM2 in transgenic tobacco plants enhanced their tolerance to salinity and drought stress. Accumulation of reactive oxygen species was remarkably decreased in transgenic lines compared to that in wild type plants. Chlorophyll a fluorescence analysis suggested better performance of photosystem II in transgenic plants under stress compared to that in wild type plants. The increase in salinity stress tolerance in StCaM2-overexpressing plants was also associated with a favorable K+/Na+ ratio. The enhanced tolerance to abiotic stresses correlated with the increase in the activities of anti-oxidative enzymes in transgenic tobacco plants. Overall, our results suggest that StCaM2 can be a novel candidate for conferring salt and drought tolerance in plants.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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