Spectral characteristics of solid solutions LiY1−x Lu x F4 doped by Ce3+ ions

Pleiades Publishing Ltd - Tập 50 - Trang 1648-1651 - 2008
A. S. Nizamutdinov1, V. V. Semashko1, A. K. Naumov1, L. A. Nurtdinova1, R. Yu. Abdulsabirov1, S. L. Korableva1, V. N. Efimov1
1Research Laboratory of Magnetic Radiospectroscopy and Quantum Electronics, Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia

Tóm tắt

During crystallization, the LiF-YF3-LuF3 compounds form a continuous series of solid solutions having a scheelite structure at any proportion of the YF3 and LuF3 components. It is established that the crystals conform to the Vegard law and the Rutgers rule. The spectral characteristics of the 5d–4f transitions of Ce3+ ions and color centers induced by ultraviolet radiation in these crystals were studied as a function of the Lu3+ concentration. It is shown that the active media based on LiF-YF3-LuF3: Ce3+ solid solutions are more efficient as compared to LiYF4: Ce3+ and LiLuF4: Ce3+ crystals in possible directional changes in the spectral-kinetic characteristics of impurity ions and the parameters of the losses induced by pumping radiation and in enhancement of energetic and spectral characteristics of lasers on their basis.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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