Spatial runoff estimation under different land uses and rainfall frequencies: case of flood-prone Dechatu River Catchment, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
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Understanding spatial runoff conditions in flood-prone ungauged catchments is crucial for effective watershed management to reduce flood risks in the lower catchment. Our study aimed to estimate spatial runoff under different land uses and rainfall frequencies in a flood-prone Dechatu River Catchment (DRC), Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. A goodness-of-fit test was carried out before the rainfall frequency analysis—Generalized Extreme Value, Log Pearson Type 3, and Gumbel max—via Kolmogorov Smirnov and Anderson Darling test. Then, the rainfall extremes for different return periods (RPs) are integrated with the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number model to estimate the spatial surface runoff. The highest annual daily maximum rainfall estimated 53–79 mm and 83–89 mm for 2 to 25-years and 50 to 200-years RPs, respectively. The northwestern part of DRC noted the highest surface runoff impacts compared to the eastern catchment. The highest runoff volumes are predominantly from bare land, open shrubs, and cultivated land in descending order ranging from 1.45 million m3 (in 2 years RP) to 2.5 million m3 (in 200 years RP); however, a relatively low runoff below 0.75 million m3 is depicted in the upper catchment. The spatial runoff estimates of short (2 to 10 years) and long (25 to 200 years) RPs can be used for implementing moisture conservation measures and constructing water storage structures to reduce the flash flooding impacts in Dire Dawa city, which claims human lives and property damages when intense rainfall from hilly mountains of eastern Ethiopia is observed.
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