Spatial and temporal impacts of a diesel fuel spill on stream invertebrates

Freshwater Biology - Tập 46 Số 5 - Trang 693-704 - 2001
David A. Lytle1, Barbara L. Peckarsky1
1Department of Entomology and Field of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A.

Tóm tắt

1. We assessed the effects of a 26 500 L diesel fuel spill on the macroinvertebrate fauna of a small trout stream in central New York, U.S.A. To determine the spatial extent of the spill we sampled three locations (0.7, 5.0 and 11.8 km downstream of the spill), each containing a reference site (unaffected tributary) and an impact site (downstream of spill). Sampling was repeated four times over a 15‐month period to assess temporal recovery.2. Immediately after the spill, invertebrate density at all three locations below the spill was significantly lower than reference density. Three months after the spill, density up to 5 km below the spill was still far lower (<100 individuals per sample) than reference density (800–1200 individuals per sample). A year after the spill, density was similar between reference and impact sites, suggesting that invertebrates had recovered numerically.3. Taxonomic richness up to 5.0 km below the spill was less than half the reference taxonomic richness and this difference persisted for at least 3 months. Some significant differences between reference and impact sites were observed after 15 months, but these differences could not be attributed to the oil spill.4. For at least 3 months following the spill, the site immediately downstream of the spill was dominated by Optioservus, a petrochemical‐tolerant riffle beetle. Twelve to 15 months after the spill, both the reference and impact sites near the spill were dominated numerically by the mayfly Ephemerella, but the degree of dominance was twice as large at the impact site.5. We concluded that the diesel fuel spill significantly reduced the density of invertebrates (by 90%) and taxonomic richness (by 50%) at least 5.0 km downstream, but density recovered within a year. Throughout the study, however, the fauna immediately below the spill was species poor and significantly over‐represented by a single dominant taxon, suggesting that 15 months was not sufficient for full community recovery from the oil spill.

Từ khóa

Tài liệu tham khảo




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