Space and Time Variations of the Concentrations of Dissolved Forms of Microelements in Amur River Water

Water Resources - Tập 47 - Trang 629-640 - 2020
N. M. Shesterkina1, V. P. Shesterkin1, V. S. Talovskaya1, T. D. Ri1
1Institute of Water and Environmental Problems, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia

Tóm tắt

The results of studies of water bodies in the Amur R. basin in 2011–2017 have been used to characterize the space and time variations of the concentrations of dissolved microelement forms. They have been found to vary widely in some areas, because of either the diverse natural conditions and the anthropogenic effect in areas near cities (Chita, Sretensk, Khabarovsk) and populated localities (Nizhneleninskoe V.), as well as the transboundary transport from Chinese territory. The character of the time variations of the concentrations of dissolved forms of metals in water in the Amur basin have been shown to be diverse and to demonstrate a complex combination of the factors that determine this variability. The time variations of dissolved matter concentrations are more pronounced in watercourses where runoff is not regulated (the Ussuri, Amurskaya branch).

Tài liệu tham khảo

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