Sorption-barrier properties of granitoids and andesite-basaltic metavolcanites with respect to Am(III) and Pu(IV): 1. Absorption of Am and Pu from groundwater on monolithic samples of granitoids and andesite-basaltic metavolcanites

Radiochemistry - Tập 49 - Trang 305-312 - 2007
E. B. Anderson1, Yu. M. Rogozin1, E. A. Smirnova1, R. V. Bryzgalova1, N. R. Andreeva1, S. I. Malimonova1, S. I. Shabalev1, Ai Fujiwara2, O. Tochiyama3
1Khlopin Radium Institute, Research and Production Association, Federal State Unitary Enterprise, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center, Japan
3JMRAM, Tohoku University, Japan

Tóm tắt

A model study is made of the sorption-barrier properties of intact monolithic samples of granitoids and andesite-basaltic metavolcanites with respect to Am(III) and Pu(IV). In sorption from simulated groundwater (pH 8.3), the surface distribution coefficient in surface sorption K a was determined to be 8–37 and 4–80 cm for Am and Pu, respectively. The mineral components of the rocks responsible for the radionuclide sorption were identified by autoradiography. The rocks tested are characterized by high retention capacity for Am and Pu.

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