Some sets obeying harmonic synthesis
Tóm tắt
LetX be a (not necessarily closed) subspace of the dual spaceB
of a separable Banach spaceB. LetX
denote the set of all weak
limits of sequences inX. DefineX
, for every ordinal numbera, by the inductive rule:X
= (U
.There is always a countable ordinala such thatX
is the weak
closure ofX; the first sucha is called theorder ofX inB
. LetE be a closed subset of a locally compact abelian group. LetPM(E) be the set of pseudomeasures, andM(E) the set of measures, whose supports are contained inE. The setE obeys synthesis if and only ifM(E) is weak
dense inPM(E). Varopoulos constructed an example in which the order ofM(E) is 2. The authors construct, for every countable ordinala, a setE inR that obeys synthesis, and such that the order ofM(E) inPM(E) isa.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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