Some results of neutrosophic normed space VIA Tribonacci convergent sequence spaces

Vakeel A. Khan1, Mohammad Arshad1, M. A. Khan1
1Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

Tóm tắt


The concept of Tribonacci sequence spaces by the domain of a regular Tribonacci matrix was introduced by Yaying and Hazarika (Math. Slovaca 70(3):697–706, 2000). In this paper, by using the domain of regular Tribonacci matrix$T = (t _{ik} )$T=(tik)and the concept of neutrosophic convergence, we introduce some neutrosophic normed space in Tribonacci convergent spaces and prove some topological and algebraic properties based results with respect to these spaces.

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