Solar Geoengineering, Free-Driving and Conflict: An Experimental Investigation
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As the international community continues to fall short on reducing emissions to avoid disastrous impacts of climate change, some scientists have called for more research into solar geoengineering (SGE) as a potential temporary fix. Others, however, have adamantly rejected the notion of considering SGE in climate policy discussions. One prominent concern with considering SGE technologies to help manage climate change is the so-called “free driver” conjecture. The prediction is that among countries with different preferences for the level of SGE, the country that prefers the most will deploy levels higher than the global optimum. This paper tests the free-driver hypothesis experimentally under different conditions and institutions. We find that aggregate deployment of SGE is inefficiently high in all settings, but slightly less so when players are heterogeneous in endowments or when aggregate deployment is determined by a best-shot technology. Despite persistent inefficiencies in SGE deployment, free-driver behavior, on average, is less extreme than the theoretical predictions.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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