Sol–gel synthesis of insensitive nitrated bacterial cellulose/cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine nano-energetic composites and its thermal decomposition property

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 29 - Trang 7331-7351 - 2022
Ling Chen1,2, Fengqiang Nan1,2, Qiang Li1,2, Jianwei Zhang1,2, Guorui Jin1,2, Moru Wang1,2, Xiang Cao1,2, Jie Liu1,3, Weidong He1,2
1School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China
2Key Laboratory of Special Energy Materials, Ministry of Education, Nanjing, China
3National Special Superfine Powder Engineering Research Center of China, Nanjing, China

Tóm tắt

In the domain of energetic materials (EMs), the high-energy and high-safety EMs have infinite promising in modern defense weapons. Herein, this study prepared a novel nitrated bacterial cellulose/cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (NBC/RDX) nanocomposite energetic material via a straightforward, mild and safe sol–gel method and freeze-drying technology. A unique and stable three-dimension (3D) porous network nanostructure of the composites was characterized by a series of analytical and test methods. It was found that the RDX crystals were distributed and imbedded uniformly in the NBC binder matrix, leading to the formation of nanometer-scale composites. The thermal properties presented remarkable decreased peak temperature (RDX: 236.60 °C → NBC/RDX-55%: 217.20 °C) and increased Ea (from 108.00 → 155.25 kJ/mol) during the decomposition process. Furthermore, thermal decomposition reaction kinetics and thermodynamics have also been calculated by two traditional methods: the Kissinger and Ozawa methods, indicating a promoted decomposition behavior compared with raw RDX and NBC. Moreover, TG-DSC-IR-GC–MS technology has been further conducted to probe the mechanism of decomposition, manifesting the formation of crosslinking structure of NBC gel matrix would decompose firstly and followed by the decomposition of RDX. Lastly, the sensitivity test demonstrated that the formation of 3D porous crosslinking network nanostructure of NBC gel matrix exerted remarkably desensitization effect when encountering external stimuli, and three categories of reduction sensitivity mechanism has been proposed. Hence, this synthesis strategy has profound basic theory research significance and may provide promising application of NBC/RDX nEMs used in high-energy and high-strength propellants.

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