Software-Defined Networking: A Comprehensive Survey
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Tài liệu tham khảo
heller, 0, ElasticTree: Saving energy in data center networks, Proc 7th USENIX Conf Netw Syst Design Implementation, 17
macapuna, 0, In-packet bloom filter based data center networking with distributed OpenFlow controllers, Proc IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops, 584
al-fares, 0, Hedera: Dynamic flow scheduling for data center networks, Proc 7th USENIX Conf Netw Syst Design Implementation, 19
stiemerling, 2014, ALTO Deployment Considerations
handigol, 2009, Aster*x Load-balancing web traffic over wide-area networks
alimi, 2014, ALTO Protocol
racherla, 2014, Implementing IBM Software Defined Network for Virtual Environments
2014, The eXtensible OpenFlow Datapath Daemon (xdpd) bringing innovation into the fast path
drutskoy, 2012, Software-defined network virtualization with FlowN
al-shabibi, 2014, OpenVirteX A Network Hypervisor
reinecke, 2014, Mapping the future of software-defined networking
jeong, 0, QoS-aware network operating system for software defined networking with generalized OpenFlows, Proc IEEE Net Oper Manag Symp, 1167
veiga neves, 0, Pythia: Faster big data in motion through predictive software-defined network optimization at runtime, Proc IEEE 28th Int Parallel Distrib Process Symp, 82
handigol, 2009, Plug-n-Serve Load-balancing Web Traffic Using OpenFlow
xiong, 2014, Pronto: A software-defined networking based system for performance management of analytical queries on distributed data stores, PVLDB, 7, 1661
phemius, 2013, DISCO Distributed multi-domain SDN controllers
2013, SDN controller architecture
2013, Opencontrail
2012, Floodlight
cai, 2011, Maestro A System for Scalable OpenFlow Control
tootoonchian, 0, On controller performance in software-defined networks, Proc 2nd USENIX Conf Hot Topics Manage Internet Cloud Enterprise Netw Services, 10
egilmez, 0, OpenQoS: An Open-Flow controller design for multimedia delivery with end-to-end quality of service over software-defined networks, Proc Asia-Pacific Signal Inf Process Assoc Annu Summit Conf, 1
schulz-zander, 2014, AeroFlux: A near-sighted controller architecture for software-defined wireless networks, Open Networking Summit
smith, 2014, OpFlex control protocol
2013, Pica8's OS for Open Switches
yiakoumis, 2011, Pantou OpenFlow 1 0 for OpenWrt
weissberger, 2013, VMware's network virtualization poses huge threat to data center switch fabric vendors
shenker, 2013, Stanford Seminar—Software-defined networking at the crossroads
casado, 2013, OpenStack and network virtualization
kim, 0, Automated and scalable QoS control for network convergence, Proc Internet Network Management Conf Research on Enterprise Networking, 1
sherwood, 2009, Flowvisor A Network Virtualization Layer
cearley, 2013, Top 10 technology trends 2013 Cloud computing and hybrid IT drive future IT models
bittman, 2013, Magic Quadrant for X86 Server Virtualization Infrastructure
2013, Award-winning software-defined networking NEC ProgrammableFlow networking suite
tootoonchian, 0, HyperFlow: A distributed control plane for OpenFlow, Proc Internet Network Management Conf Research on Enterprise Networking, 3
takamiya, 2012, Trema OpenFlow controller framework
2012, RYU network operating system
verssimo, 2003, Intrusion-tolerant architectures: Concepts and design, Architecting Dependable Systems, 2677, 3, 10.1007/3-540-45177-3_1
levin, 0, Panopticon: Reaping the benefits of incremental SDN deployment in enterprise networks, Proc USENIX Annu Tech Conf, 333
bernier, 2013, NTT recognized with IBC award for SDN-based HDTV service
2014, Infrastructure services
wagner, 2014, NTT taps SDN to enhance cloud flexibility
csoma, 0, Multi-layered service orches-tration in a multi-domain network environment, Proc 3rd Eur Workshop Softw Defined Netw
2014, AT&T introduces the ‘user-defined network cloud’ A vision for the network of the future
bierman, 2014, RESTCONF Protocol
2014, OpenFlow-enabled SDN and network functions virtualization
casado, 0, SANE: A protection architecture for enterprise networks, Proc 15th Conf USENIX Security Symp, 15
yin, 2012, SDNi A Message Exchange Protocol for Software Defined Networks (SDNS) Across Multiple Domains
perez-pena, 2013, Universities face a rising barrage of cyberattacks, New York Times
2013, OpenFlow Switch Support
sorensen, 2012, Security Implications of Software-defined Networks
kerner, 2013, Is SDN Secure?
richardson, 2008, RESTful Web Services
2014, OpenFlow Management and Configuration Protocol (OF-Config 1 1)
kazemian, 0, Real time network policy checking using header space analysis, Proc 10th USENIX Conf Netw Syst Design Implement, 99
singla, 2013, Contrail architecture
wang, 2011, Analysis of Comparisons between OpenFlow and ForCES
wasserman, 2013, Security analysis of the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) OpenFlow switch specification
hernan, 2006, Uncover security design flaws using the STRIDE approach, MSDN Mag
bolosky, 0, Paxos replicated state machines as the basis of a high-performance data store, Proc Symp Netw Syst Design Implement, 141
ogawa, 2013, ForCES Intra-NE high availability
chua, 2013, SDN security Oxymoron? New interview with Phil Porras of SRI International
fontes, 0, Authoring of OpenFlow networks with visual network description (SDN version), Proc Summer Comput Simul Conf, 22:1
2013, STS—SDN troubleshooting simulator
ghodsi, 2006, Distributed k-ary System Algorithms for Distributed Hash Tables
stallings, 2013, Software-defined networks and OpenFlow, Internet Protocol J, 16, 1
2014, SDN architecture
ogrodowczyk, 0, Hardware abstraction layer for non-OpenFlow capable devices, Proc 30th Trans Eur Res Edu Netw Conf
hassas yeganeh, 0, Kandoo: A framework for efficient and scalable offloading of control applications, Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networks, 19
monsanto, 0, Composing software-defined networks, Proc 10th USENIX Conf Netw Syst Design Implement, 1
voellmy, 0, Nettle: Taking the sting out of programming network routers, Proc 13th Int Conf Practical Aspects Declarative Lang, 235
2013, Blackdiamond x8
2013, 7150 Series
2013, 8200 ZL switch series
2013, NoviSwitch 1248 high performance OpenFlow switch
2013, Ex9200 Ethernet switch
2013, Cx600 metro services platform
yokneam, 2011, EZchip announces OpenFlow 1 1 implementations on its NP-4 100-gigabit network processor
2013, ProgrammableFlow family of products
2013, 3920
2013, MLX Series
2013, System networking RackSwitch G8264
appenzeller, 2011, SNAC
saikia, 2013, MuL OpenFlow Controller
mccauley, 2012, POX
salisbury, 2012, The northbound API—A big little problem
guis, 2012, The SDN gold rush to the northbound API
casemore, 2012, SDN controller ecosystems critical to market success
dix, 2013, Clarifying the role of software-defined networking northbound APIs
2013, v330 OpenFlow switch reference design
2013, Switch 1
2013, Contrail virtual router
2013, Z-Series
2013, LINC Switch
rutka, 2013, LINC Switch
fernandes, 2014, OpenFlow 1 3 Software Switch
2009, Switching reference system
mundada, 0, An OpenFlow switch element for click, Proc of Symposium on Click Modular Router
2013, Project Floodlight
benson, 0, Unraveling the complexity of network management, Proc USENIX Symp Networked Systems Design Implementation, 335
casemore, 2012, Northbound API The standardization debate
pepelnjak, 2012, SDN controller northbound API is the crucial missing piece
johnson, 2012, A primer on northbound APIs Their role in a software-defined network
little, 2013, ONF to standardize northbound API for SDN applications?
ferro, 2012, Northbound API southbound API east/north LAN navigation in an OpenFlow world and an SDN compass
reich, 2013, Modular SDN programming with pyretic, USENIX Mag, 38
chua, 2012, OpenFlow northbound API A new Olympic sport
2014, POSIX
pfaff, 0, Extending networking into the virtualization layer, Proc ACM Workshop Hot Topics in Networks, 1
sherwood, 0, Can the production network be the testbed?, Proc 9th USENIX Conf Oper Syst Design Implement, 1
koponen, 0, Network virtualization in multi-tenant datacenters, Proc USENIX/ACM Symp Netw Syst Design Implement, 203
turull, 0, Evaluating OpenFlow in libnetvirt, Proceedings of 8th Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop, 1
2012, OpenStack networking (‘Quantum’)
2013, Femto APIs
nelson, 0, Tierless programming and reasoning for software-defined networks, Proc USENIX/ACM Symp Netw Syst Design Implement, 519
shin, 2013, FRESCO Modular composable security services for software-defined networks
katta, 0, Logic programming for software-defined networks, Proc ACM SIGPLAN Workshop Cross-Model Lang Design Implement, 1
2013, NSX Virtualization Platform
2013, A Linux Foundation Collaborative Project
krishnaswamy, 2013, ONOS An open source distributed SDN OS
2012, Junos OS architecture overview
bollapragada, 2000, Inside Cisco IOS Software Architecture
2014, SR OS
2014, ExtremeXOS operating system version 15 4
song, 2013, Protocol oblivious forwarding (POF)
2014, Charter Forwarding abstractions working group
2013, V350—Centec open SDN platform
2013, ProgrammableFlow UNIVERGE PF5820
tootoonchian, 0, OpenTM: Traffic matrix estimator for OpenFlow networks, Proc 11th Int Conf Passive Active Meas, 201
jasson casey, 2013, Eliminating network protocol vulnerabilities through abstraction and systems language design
parraga, 2013, Avior
calyam, 0, Leveraging OpenFlow for resource placement of virtual desktop cloud applications, Proc IFIP/IEEE Int Symp Integr Netw Manage, 311
2012, NTT DATA advance in SDN business provides highly-flexible control of network by software
2013, Pacnet offers first Pan-Asia network-as-a-service architecture
gharakheili, 0, Virtualizing national broad-band access infrastructure, Proc 9th Int Conf Emerging Netw Exp Technol, 27
gross, 2014, Geneve Generic network virtualization encapsulation
hertoghs, 2014, A unified LISP mapping database for L2 and L3 network virtualization overlays
nadeau, 2013, SDN Software Defined Networks, 1
feamster, 0, SDX: A software-defined internet exchange, IET PROC
maino, 2013, LISP control plane for network virtualization overlays
sridharan, 2013, NVGRE Network Virtualization Using Generic Routing Encapsulation
mahalingam, 2013, VXLAN A Framework for Overlaying Virtualized Layer 2 Networks over Layer 3 Networks
davie, 2014, A stateless transport tunneling protocol for network virtualization (STT)
ruckert, 0, Demo: Software-defined network service chaining, Proc 3rd Eur Workshop Softw Defined Netw
mehdi, 0, Revisiting traffic anomaly detection using software defined networking, Proc of the 5th Intl Conf on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 161
xia, 2014, SDN and optical flow steering for network function virtualization, Open Networking Summit
yazici, 0, Controlling a software-defined network via distributed controllers, Proc Conf Implement Future Media Internet Towards New Horizons, 16
jarschel, 0, Modeling and performance evaluation of an OpenFlow architecture, Proc of the 23rd International Teletraffic Congress, 1
dong, 0, SR-IOV networking in Xen: Architecture, design and implementation, Proceedings of 1st Conference on I/O Virtualization, 10
alkhatib, 2014, IEEE CS 2022 Report (Draft)
jamjoom, 0, Don't call them middle-boxes, call them middlepipes, Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networks, 19
feamster, 0, Detecting BGP configuration faults with static analysis, Proc 2nd Conf Symp Netw Syst Design Implement, 2, 43
2013, Operator Network Monetization Through Openflow-Enabled SDN
barrett, 1997, Routing snafu causes internet outage, Interactive Week, 25
greene, 2009, 10 Breakthrough Technologies: Software-defined Networking, MIT Technol Rev
sherry, 2012, A survey of enterprise middlebox deployments
2014, SDN architecture
rotsos, 0, OFLOPS: An open framework for OpenFlow switch evaluation, Proc 14th Int Conf Passive Active Meas, 85
gerlach, 2013, OIF carrier WG requirements on transport networks in SDN architectures
canini, 0, A NICE way to test OpenFlow applications, Proc 7th USENIX Conf Netw Syst Design Implementation, 127
handigol, 0, I know what your packet did last hop: Using packet histories to troubleshoot networks, Proc USENIX/ACM Symp Netw Syst Design Implement, 71
altekar, 2010, Focus replay debugging effort on the control plane
ku?niar, 0, Automatic failure recovery for software-defined networks, Proc 2nd ACM SIGCOMM Workshop Hot Topics Softw Defined Netw, 159
sharma, 2013, OpenFlow: Meeting carrier-grade recovery requirements, Comput Commun, 36, 656, 10.1016/j.comcom.2012.09.011
kim, 0, Coronet: Fault tolerance for software defined networks, Proc 20th IEEE Int Conf Network Protocols
2014, IBM software defined network for virtual environments
2014, Migration Use Cases and Methods
wundsam, 0, OFRewind: Enabling record and replay troubleshooting for networks, Proc USENIX Conf USENIX Annu Tech Conf, 29
2014, Manage all workloads with an efficient scalable software defined environment (SDE)
2014, Requirements analysis for transport OpenFlow/SDN
2014, Optical transport use cases
zhuang, 0, Netcheck: Network diagnoses from blackbox traces, Proc USENIX/ACM Symp Netw Syst Design Implement, 115
2014, OpenFlow table type patterns
2013, OpenFlow notifications framework OpenFlow management
2014, OpenFlow management and configuration protocol (OF-CONFIG) v1 2
2013, OpenFlow Switch Specification
2013, Conformance test specification for OpenFlow switch specification
john, 2014, Split Architecture for Large Scale Wide Area Networks
tomaselli, 0, Towards lightweight logging and replay of embedded, distributed systems, Proc Workshop Architecting Safety Collaborative Mobile Systems/32nd Int Conf Comput Safety Reliab Security
fonseca, 0, X-trace: A pervasive network tracing framework, Proc 7th USENIX Conf Netw Syst Design Implementation, 20
sharma, 0, A demonstration of automatic bootstrapping of resilient OpenFlow networks, Proc IFIP/IEEE Int Symp Integr Netw Manage, 1066
tan, 0, Visual, log-based causal tracing for performance debugging of map reduce systems, Proc IEEE 30th Int Conf Distrib Comput Syst, 795
prasanna, 2002, BIP Billing information protocol
daniel philip, 0, Cross-control: A scalable multi-topology fault restoration mechanism using logically centralized controllers, Proc IEEE Int Conf High Performance Switching Routing, 57
mckeown, 2011, How SDN Will Shape Networking
schenker, 2011, The Future of Networking and the Past of Protocols"
2014, Open platform for NFV
koponen, 0, Onix: A distributed control platform for large-scale production networks, Proc 9th USENIX Conf Oper Syst Design Implement, 1
shang, 2014, Pica8 Xorplus
2013, OESS—Open Exchange Software Suite
duckett, 2013, Software defined networking HP has an App store for that
2013, SDN app store
sigelman, 2010, Dapper a Large-scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure
tanner, 2013, Taking SDN to transport and beyond
haleplidis, 2014, SDN Layers and Architectures Terminology
elby, 2012, Carrier vision of SDN
auyoung, 0, Corybantic: Towards the modular composition of SDN control programs, Proc 12th ACM Workshop Hot Topics Netw
ghobadi, 2013, TCP adaptation framework in data centers
cheng, 2014, Framework of signalling for SDN—Working document
contreras, 2014, Cooperating layered architecture for SDN
haleplidis, 2014, SDN Layers and Architectures Terminology
2014, High level requirements and framework for SDN in telecommunication broadband networks
2013, Requirements on transport networks in SDN architectures
2014, Scenarios and signalling requirements for software-defined BAN (SBAN)—Working document
das, 0, Transparent and flexible network management for big data processing in the cloud, Proc 5th USENIX Conf Hot Topics Cloud Comput, 1
2014, Framework of software-defined networking
2014, Software-defined networking Rev 2 0
2013, Network functions virtualization (NFV) architectural framework v1 1 1
yu, 0, Software defined traffic measurement with OpenSketch, Proc 10th USENIX Conf Netw Syst Design Implement, 29
bosshart, 2013, Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors
2014, Intel data plane development kit
hauger, 0, Packet processing at 100 Gbps and beyond—Challenges and perspectives, Proc ITG Symp Photon Netw, 1
2012, Software-Defined Networking The New Norm for Networks
atlas, 2014, An architecture for the interface to the routing system
xie, 2012, Use Cases for ALTO with Software Defined Networks
enns, 2004, NETCONF Configuration Protocol
kreeger, 2014, Network virtualization NVE to NVA control protocol requirements
king, 2014, A PCE-based Architecture for Application-based Network Operations
jose, 0, Online measurement of large traffic aggregates on commodity switches, Proc 11th USENIX Conf Hot Topics Manage Internet Cloud Enterprise Netw Services, 13
dhody, 2014, Cross Stratum Optimization Enabled Path Computation
yu, 0, FlowSense: Monitoring network utilization with zero measurement cost, Proc 14th Int Conf Passive Active Meas, 31
hu, 2014, SPRING OpenFlow interworking requirements
kim, 2014, SPRING use cases for software-defined networking
schulz-zander, 0, Programmatic orchestration of WiFi networks, Proc USENIX Annu Tech Conf, 347
ceccarelli, 2014, Framework for abstraction and control of transport networks
katta, 2013, Infinite Cacheflow in Software-defined Networks
mcgillicuddy, 2014, XPliant Ethernet chip sets new standard for programmability
van adrichem, 0, OpenNetMon: Network monitoring in openflow software-defined networks, Proc IEEE Net Oper Manag Symp
2012, Software defined networking and software-based services with Intel Processors
stephens, 2012, Designing Scalable Networks for Future Large Datacenters
ballani, 0, Making routers last longer with Viaggre, Proc USENIX/ACM Symp Netw Syst Design Implement, 453
2014, SFlow-RT
van der merwe, 0, Dynamic connectivity management with an intelligent route service control point, Proc SIGCOMM Workshop Internet Netw Manage, 29
wang, 0, OpenFlow-based server load balancing gone wild, Proc 11th USENIX Conf Hot Topics Manage Internet Cloud Enterprise Netw Services, 12
lakshman, 0, The SoftRouter architecture, Proc 3rd Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 2004, 1
luo, 0, Accelerating Open-Flow switching with network processors, Proc 5th ACM/IEEE Symp Archit Netw and Commun Syst, 70
memon, 2013, FlashFlow A GPU-based fully programmable OpenFlow switch
ferkouss, 0, A 100 gig network processor platform for openflow, Proc Int Conf Netw Service Manage, 1
bifulco, 0, Reactive logic in software-defined networking: Accounting for the limitations of the switches, Proc 3rd Eur Workshop Softw Defined Netw
2014, Operational Opportunities and Challenges of SDN/NFV Programmable Infrastructure
ballard, 0, Extensible and scalable network monitoring using OpenSAFE, Proc Internet Network Management Conf Research on Enterprise Networking, 8
shin, 0, CloudWatcher: Network security monitoring using OpenFlow in dynamic cloud networks (or: How to provide security monitoring as a service in clouds?), Proc 20th IEEE Int Conf Netw Protocols
shin, 0, AVANT-GUARD: Scalable and vigilant switch flow management in software-defined networks, Proc ACM Conf Comput Commun Security, 413
caesar, 0, Design and implementation of a routing control platform, Proc 2nd Conf Symp Netw Syst Design Implement, 2, 15
owens, 2013, OpenFlow Switching Performance Not All TCAM Is Created Equal
salisbury, 2012, TCAMs and OpenFlow—What every SDN practitioner must know
appelman, 2012, Performance analysis of open-flow hardware
vidal, 0, The libfluid OpenFlow driver implementation, Proc 32nd Brazilian Symp Comp Netw (SBRC), 1029
liao, 2012, SDN system performance
plank, 0, Libckpt: Transparent checkpointing under unix, Proc Usenix Tech Conf, 18
kazemian, 0, Header space analysis: Static checking for networks, Proc 7th USENIX Conf Netw Syst Design Implementation, 9
0, PktBlaster SDN controller test
zeng, 0, Libra: Divide and conquer to verify forwarding tables in huge networks, Proc USENIX/ACM Symp Netw Syst Design Implement, 87
sherwood, 2011, Cbench Controller Benchmarker