Social network relationship, supply chain resilience and customer-oriented performance of small and medium enterprises in a developing economy

Benchmarking - Tập 27 Số 5 - Trang 1793-1813 - 2020
David Asamoah1, Benjamin Agyei-Owusu1, Elizabeth Ashun1
1Supply Chain and Information Systems, KNUST School of Business, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

Tóm tắt


While the concept of supply chain resilience has received lots of scholarly and policy interest over the past few years, empirical research examining its sources and outcomes remains inadequate, particularly, in the context of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Grounded in the resource-based view and social capital frameworks, the study examines the relationship between social network relationship, supply chain resilience and customer oriented performance.


The study develops and empirically tests a research model that proposes social network relationships and customer-oriented performance as the antecedent and outcome respectively of supply chain resilience. Data was obtained from a survey of 110 SMEs in Ghana.


The findings of the study suggest that a firm's external and internal social networks can be leveraged to enhance its supply chain resilience and customer-oriented performance. Supply chain resilience was also found to enhance customer-oriented performance. Additionally, supply chain resilience was found to significantly mediate the effect of social network relationships on customer-oriented performance.


This is the first study that empirically explores and establishes the relationship between social network relationships, supply chain resilience and customer-oriented performance to the best of the authors’ knowledge.

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