Social change and early fertility decline in Catalonia

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 - Trang 207-234 - 1989
Jaime Benavente1
1Community Systems Foundation, Ann Arbor, USA

Tóm tắt

This article attempts a description of the fertility and nuptiality patterns of a group of selected localities in Catalonia from the late eighteenth century to the mid-nineteenth century. The pattern of fertility transition in Catalonia can be described as starting from nuptiality conditions of early and quasi-universal marriage. The pattern of nuptiality is preserved throughout the process in its essentials. The transition, then, was largely limited to a decline in marital fertility. The evidence suggests an onset occurring in the 1830s, closer to the French experience than to that of any other Western European country. Finally, the analysis of the 84 local areas supports the proposition that structural factors had a significant effect on both the mid-nineteenth century level of marital fertility and the rate of decline during the 70-year period under study.

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